Locate Important Directories and Files
The Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator) equips you with the tools to perform a number of maintenance tasks from the administrator’s computer.
Many of the Noetix Views (NoetixViews) maintenance tasks can also be performed using SQL scripts.
Locate Important Directories and Files
This section provides information about the location of the important directories and files that are created in the NoetixViews application folder when you generate, regenerate, or upgrade Noetix views.
When You Generate Noetix Views
After you generate Noetix views on your computer, a base installation directory called Installs is created in the NoetixViews application folder. The base installation directory may contain one or more Noetix System Administration User (NOETIX SYS user) directories. The NOETIX SYS user directory name will be in the following format: <schema name> <TNS name>.
Important: Administrators should place the NOETIX SYS user directory in a secure location and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to this directory because it contains the tconnect.sql file, which, in turn, contains the connect string and password for the NOETIX SYS user. The tconnect.sql file is created when iconnect.sql is run.
When you generate views for the first time, a NOETIX SYS user directory is created in the base installation directory. The NOETIX SYS user directory contains the scripts required for generating views and the *.lst files that are created when the scripts are run.
You can change the base installation directory of the NOETIX SYS schema. For more information, see Change Base Installation Directory in NoetixViews Administrator Tools. If you do not know the location of the current base installation directory, click About on the Help menu of NoetixViews Administrator. In the About Noetix Views Administrator dialog box, you can view the location of the current base installation directory.
For information about:
The NOETIX SYS user directory, see Understand NOETIX SYS Schema in NoetixViews Customization.
Navigating to the currently connected NOETIX SYS user’s directory, see Explore from Here in NoetixViews Administrator Tools.
The important UNIX scripts, see Available UNIX Scripts in Administrative Scripts.
The important SQL and MS-DOS scripts, see Available SQL and MS-DOS Scripts in Administrative Scripts.
When You Regenerate or Upgrade Views
Each time you regenerate the views or upgrade the product, backup copies of the existing tupdprfx.sql file are automatically created in the backups folder in the installation directory. On a Windows-based computer, the default path to the backups folder is <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>. On a UNIX-based computer, the backups directory is created in the server directory containing the generation scripts of NoetixViews.
When you perform a regeneration or upgrade, if the backups folder already contains a backup copy of the tupdprfx.sql file, the existing backup file is moved to the <filename>.hist folder in the backups folder, and the new backup file is created in the backups folder.
The files in the <filename>.hist folder follow a naming convention that comprises three parts:
<file name> <date of backup> <time of backup>
For example, if the tupdprfx.sql file is backed up for the second time on April 30, 2007 at 04:30 P.M., the following file will be created in the tupdprfx.sql.hist folder:
tupdprfx.sql 20070430 163000
The backup files are used in situations when the existing role prefixes and role-related information are lost during a regeneration or upgrade. In such situations, you can manually restore the role prefixes and information using the backup files. The backup files can also be used when you may have to apply the same role prefixes to NOETIX SYS schemas in testing and production environments. The role prefixes can be applied only if the schemas belong to the same Oracle E-Business Suite instance.