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Refresh Parent Child Hierarchy Data

The parent-child hierarchies corresponding to the Accounting Flexfield segments are stored in a flattened table. Based on the parent-child hierarchy data available in the flattened table, the parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials views are generated during Stage 4. However, the flattened table needs to be refreshed to reflect the changes in the parent-child hierarchies of the Accounting Flexfield segments. A Concurrent Manager program is created when parent-child views are generated in NoetixViews. If modifications are made to a segment hierarchy structure in Oracle E-Business Suite, the Concurrent Manager program should be run to capture the changes. This includes changes to existing parent-child hierarchies and new parent-child hierarchies added to a segment that had at least one previous hierarchy. The changes made to existing parent-child hierarchies include addition of new parents and children to an existing hierarchy or moving a child from one parent to another.

To refresh the flattened table

  1. Log on to Oracle E-Business Suite as the XXNAO user. The XXNAO user is a super user that is automatically created for handling all the application objects corresponding to the NOETIX SYS schema. The default password for this user is set as welcome#1.

  2. Select the parent-child hierarchy responsibility corresponding to your NOETIX SYS schema that is required for viewing, scheduling, or submitting the jobs used to refresh the flattened table. By default, the responsibility name uses the Noetix Administration Objects.HIER(<NOETIX SYS>[UID-<NOETIX SYS internal identifier>]) format. For example, the parent-child hierarchy responsibility corresponding to the HG B911 PO BL SSY schema will be named as Noetix Administration Objects.HIER(HG B911 PO BL SSY[UID-5035]).

  3. Click Submit Requests. The Submit a New Request dialog box appears.

  4. Make sure that the Single Request option is selected, and then click OK. The Submit Request dialog box appears.

  5. In the Name box, search for the default Concurrent Manager program that is created for refreshing the flattened table corresponding to your Noetix schema, and then select the program. The default Concurrent Manager program uses the Noetix Segment Hierarchy Table Refresh (<NOETIX SYS>[UID-<NOETIX SYS internal identifier>]) format. For example, the Noetix Segment Hierarchy Table Refresh (HG B911 PO BL SSY[UID-5035]) Concurrent Manager job is created for the Noetix Administration Objects.HIER(HG B911 PO BL SSY[UID-5035]) responsibility.

  6. Click Submit. If you want to submit another request, click Yes, else, click No. The Concurrent Manager job will be run and the flattened table will be updated with the parent-child hierarchies changes. After submitting the job request, you can verify the status of the request.

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