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Regenerate Noetix Answers/Help File Separately

This section provides information about the tasks to be performed after the regeneration of views, such as, regenerating Noetix answers and Noetix Help File.

Regenerate Noetix Answers

After the views are regenerated, the Noetix answers should also be regenerated. Thereafter, the updated views and answers can be generated into the meta-layers of the business intelligence (BI) tools with the use of the Noetix generators.

Answers can be regenerated in the following ways:

  1. Run the Noetix Answer Builder Wizard from NoetixViews Administrator.

  2. Regenerate answers using scripts.

  3. Use Concurrent Manager or Cron to schedule regeneration.

Option 1: Regenerate Answers Using NoetixViews Administrator

This section describes how use the Noetix Answer Builder Wizard to regenerate answers. After running the Noetix Answer Builder successfully, use the Noetix generators to generate the metadata into the meta-layers of the business intelligence (BI) tools.

To run Noetix Answer Builder from NoetixViews Administrator

  1. Click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > NoetixViews Administrator. The NoetixViews Administrator welcome dialog box is displayed.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Answer Builder or click on the toolbar. The Noetix Answer Builder Wizard welcome page is displayed. Click Next.

  3. On the next page, the Answer Builder check box is selected by default. The check box is unavailable for selection. Click Next.

  4. The Continue if warnings detected check box is available for selection only during Stage 4. The check box is not be available for selection if you are running the Noetix Answer Builder Wizard after you have completed Stage 4.

  5. On the next page, click Finish.

  6. When the Noetix Answer Builder process is completed successfully, a message is displayed to inform you the same. Click OK.

Option 2: Regenerate Answers Using Scripts

This section describes how to regenerate answers using scripts. After the metadata is regenerated successfully, use the Noetix generators to generate the metadata into the meta-layers of the BI tools.

To regenerate answers using scripts

  1. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User (Type N):

    connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>

  2. If you are using an instance that is not stored in the ORACLE SID environment variable, type @dbconnectstring.

  3. Type start ianswers.sql, and then press ENTER.

Option 3: Regenerate Answers Using Scheduled Job

This section describes how to regenerate answers using Concurrent Manager and Cron. After the metadata is regenerated successfully, use the Noetix generators to generate the metadata into the meta-layers of the BI tools.

To regenerate answers using a scheduled Concurrent Manager or Cron job

  1. Ensure you have completed all the initial setup steps for scheduling a Noetix views regeneration using Concurrent Manager or Cron:

  2. For Concurrent Manager, see Initial Setup in Option 3 Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job.

  3. For Cron, see Initial Setup in Option 4: Regenerate Using Scheduled Cron JobOption 3 Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job

  4. Schedule a new job only for regenerating answers. Ensure the following:

  5. The regeneration process for Noetix views has already been completed before scheduling the job for regenerating answers,

  6. When prompted whether to generate answers by running the Noetix Answer Builder, type Y.

  7. When prompted whether to run the Noetix Answer Builder despite warnings in Stage 4, type Y.

  8. For information about defining a job in the Concurrent Manager, see Option 3 Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job. For information about defining a job in Cron, see Option 4: Regenerate Using Scheduled Cron Job.

Regenerate Noetix Help File

The Noetix Help File should be regenerated when:

NoetixViews has been upgraded or the views have been regenerated.

You recognize a need for an additional Noetix Help File format.

During Noetix views regeneration, you are given the option to regenerate the Noetix Help File. The Noetix Help File can also be regenerated independently of a Noetix views regeneration using the instructions in this section. The Noetix Help File can be regenerated using NoetixViews Administrator, scripts, or a scheduled regeneration method.

If you are regenerating the Microsoft WinHelp format, NoetixViews Administrator can regenerate it in one step, while all other methods will require transferring files to a Windows-based computer to be compiled using a separate wizard. Instructions for generating Noetix Help File using each regeneration method can be found in the following sections.

If any errors are detected during Stage 4, the Noetix Help File will not be regenerated. However, if you intend to override Stage 4 errors and regenerate the Noetix Help File, you must first run the ifix4sts.sql script and then manually regenerate the Noetix Help File. If you have regenerated Noetix views using NoetixViews Administrator, the ifix4sts.sql script is located in your NOETIX SYS user directory (by default, <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>). If you have regenerated NoetixViews using scripts, the ifix4sts.sql script is located in the same directory where the install4.sql script is present.

Option 1: Regenerate Help Using NoetixViews Administrator

To regenerate Noetix Help File from NoetixViews Administrator

  1. Click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > NoetixViews Administrator. The welcome dialog box is displayed.

  2. If prompted, select Use Existing Account, and log on with the user name and password for the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS). Also indicate the TNS name where the Noetix System Administration User schema resides.

  3. On the Tools menu, click Generate Online Help. Highlight the help format that you want to generate. NoetixViews Administrator will perform the processes necessary to regenerate a help file in the specified format.

  4. Publish the Noetix Help File to users as follows, depending on the help formats generated:

  5. Publish the Microsoft WinHelp help file, if generated: After the Noetix Help is generated in the Microsoft WinHelp format, the noetix.hlp file is located in <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\MsHelp, where <BASE INSTALL DIR> is the location where you installed NoetixViews Administrator and <ACCOUNT TNS> is the name of the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS) + + the TNS Name of the database instance on which the user resides.

  6. The noetix.hlp file will need to be moved to a shared server drive and a shortcut to the shared file placed on the desktop of each Noetix query user’s computer.

    EXAMPLE: <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews Administrator\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\MsHelp

  7. Publish the HTML help file, if generated: After the Noetix Help File is generated in the HTML Help format, the HTML files are located in <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\htmlhelp, where <BASE INSTALL DIR> is the location where you installed NoetixViews Administrator and <ACCOUNT TNS> is the name of the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS) + + the TNS Name of the database instance on which the user resides. Point your browser to <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\htmlhelp\help\noetix.htm to view the HTML Help.

    EXAMPLE: <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\htmlhelp

  8. These HTML files will need to be published on a web server and users must be notified of this location. To publish the files, move the entire htmlhelp directory tree to a directory on your network that is accessible to your Web browser. Instruct users to open the /htmlhelp/help/noetix.htm page using a Web browser.

  9. The Query Tool Help, if generated, will automatically be available to those with the applicable tools: No additional steps are necessary.

Option 2: Regenerate Help Using Scripts

To regenerate help using scripts

  1. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Noetix System Administration User (Type N):

    connect <username>/<password>@<dbconnectstring>

  2. If you are using an instance that is not stored in the ORACLE SID environment variable, type @dbconnectstring.

  3. At the SQL prompt, type start <sql script>, and then press ENTER, where <sql script> specifies the script file used for generating the Noetix Help File.

  4. The following script files are available for Noetix Help File generation.

    Help format

    SQL script

    All Help Formats


    Microsoft WinHelp Help


    HTML Help


    Query Tool Help


  5. Answer any prompts asked by the script.

  6. Repeat this step to generate additional help formats, if needed.

  7. The Query Tool Help, if generated, will automatically be available to those with the applicable tools. If the Noetix Help File is generated in the Microsoft WinHelp format, the file needs to be compiled and published. If the format of the Noetix Help File is HTML. you need to only publish the file.

  8. The Noetix Easy Help Wizard, which is installed along with NoetixViews Administrator, will transfer the Noetix Help File for Windows source file (.rtf) from the server to the Windows-based client computer using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The wizard compiles the file and generates the Noetix Help File locally. After generation, the wizard gives you an option to create a shortcut for the Noetix Help File on your desktop.

  9. The Noetix Easy Help Wizard can be used if your Windows-based client and the server computers where you installed NoetixViews Administrator use Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and the directory where you installed NoetixViews Administrator is accessible to your FTP server computer.

To transfer and compile the Microsoft WinHelp format

  1. Log on to the Windows computer where NoetixViews Administrator is installed.

  2. Click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > EasyHelp Wizard. The Noetix Easy Help Wizard appears. Click Next.

  3. The next page prompts you for a UNIX user name, password, and URL of the server on the network to transfer the source file generated during the generation to a client where it will be compiled. The user specified must have access to the server directory where the noetix.rtf file exists. Click Next to continue.

  4. The next page displays the path to the installation directory where the scripts and noetix.rtf file are currently located. Confirm that the installation directory on the text field is correct. Click Next to continue.

  5. The next page displays your choices for the user name, server, and directory where the scripts and the noetix.rtf file are located. To view the Noetix Help File after it has been generated, select the check box. Click Finish to transfer and compile the Noetix Help File.

  6. If the help source file (noetix.rtf) is present in <installation folder>\Installs\MsHelp and you transfer the help source file again or the generated Noetix Help File (noetix.hlp) is present in the <installation folder>\Installs\MsHelp and you regenerate the Noetix Help File, a confirmation message is displayed prompting you to take a backup of the previous files.

    In the message: Click Yes to create a backup of the help source file (noetix.rtf) or the Noetix Help File (noetix.hlp). The backup files will be created in <installation folder>\Installs\MsHelp\backup. This option is recommended.

  7. Click No to overwrite the files with the new ones without creating a backup of the existing files.

  8. The backup files in <installation folder>\Installs\MsHelp\backup will be overwritten on subsequent generation of the Noetix Help File. You must manually archive the backup files before regenerating the Noetix Help File using the wizard.

  9. After the Noetix Help File is generated, you will have the option of creating a desktop shortcut to the Noetix Help File on your computer running Windows. Click Yes, if you want to create a shortcut.

  10. Next, publish the compiled Noetix Help File to users.

To publish the Noetix Help File

  1. Navigate to the noetix.hlp file in <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\MsHelp, where <BASE INSTALL DIR> is the location where you installed NoetixViews Administrator and <ACCOUNT TNS> is the name of the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS) + + the TNS Name of the database instance on which the user resides.

    EXAMPLE: <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\MsHelp

  2. Move the noetix.hlp file to a shared server drive. (Each time you regenerate NoetixViews, replace the single version of this file on the server.)

  3. Distribute a shortcut to the shared file to all Noetix query users.

  4. The HTML help format does not need to be compiled, but will need to be published to users.

To publish the HTML help format

  1. Navigate to the htmlhelp directory within the NOETIX SYS user directory. (You can point your browser to htmlhelp\help\noetix.htm to view the HTML Help.)

    EXAMPLE: <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\htmlhelp

  2. Publish the files to a web server or shared server drive. To do this, move the entire htmlhelp directory tree to a directory on your network that is accessible to your web browser.

  3. Instruct users to open the /htmlhelp/help/noetix.htm page using a web browser.

Option 3: Regenerate Help Using Scheduled Job

To regenerate help using a scheduled Cron or Concurrent Manager job

  1. Ensure you have completed all the initial setup steps for scheduling a Noetix views regeneration using Cron or the Concurrent Manager:

  2. For Cron, see initial setup in Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job.

  3. For the Concurrent Manager, see initial setup in Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job.

  4. Schedule a new regeneration job only for regenerating the help file. Ensure the following:

  5. The regeneration process for Noetix views has already been completed before scheduling the job for regenerating the help file.

  6. When prompted whether to generate each format of the help file, type Y for the help formats you want to generate.

  7. When prompted for your Generation option, select H for Generate Selected Help Content Only. When choosing this type of regeneration, the answers you provide for prompts that do not apply, such as whether to generate Noetix Cross Operations Extension (XOP) roles, will be ignored. Only the Noetix Help File will be regenerated.

  8. For information about defining a job in Cron, see Option 4: Regenerate Using Scheduled Cron Job. For information about defining a job in the Concurrent Manager, see Option 3 Regenerate Using Scheduled Concurrent Manager Job.

  9. The Query Tool Help, if generated, will automatically be available to those with the applicable tools. The Noetix Help File in the Microsoft WinHelp format, if generated, will need to compiled and published. However, the Noetix Help File in the HTML format, if generated, will need to be only published. The instructions to compile and publish the Noetix Help File in the Microsoft WinHelp format are the same as mentioned in the Option 2: Regenerate Help Using Scripts section. For the HTML format, the instructions to publish the Noetix Help File is the same as mentioned in the Option 2: Regenerate Help Using Scripts section.

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