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Using Noetix Help File


The Noetix Help File provides information about the roles, views, columns, and answers that have been generated for your instance of Oracle E-Business Suite.

The Noetix Help File is generated in the following formats:

Microsoft WinHelp (available in Microsoft Windows)

HTML Help (available through a Web browser)

Query Tool Help (available with most query tools)

If you cannot access the help file in a particular format, contact the Noetix System Administration User.

This chapter describes each help format and walks you through the two most popular formats, Microsoft WinHelp and HTML Help.

Microsoft WinHelp

The Microsoft WinHelp format enables the Noetix Help File to be packaged as a single file that can be easily redistributed.

Help Contents

The Help Contents screen identifies the Oracle E-Business Suite instance and NOETIX SYS schema to which the help file pertains. Information about the version of Noetix Views (NoetixViews) and name of the Oracle database is also provided.

The available Noetix roles in the NOETIX SYS schema are listed as links. The roles are arranged by the standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), and global forms of views. For the global form of the views, the XXK KEY FLEXFIELD role is also listed.

Views List

The Views List screen displays links to all the views for a Noetix role. The view type and a short description for each view are also provided. The view labels begin with the role prefix. For key flexfield views, the view names are prefixed with “XXK”. For example, the key flexfield view corresponding to the Accounting Flexfield is XXK GL Acct. However, the naming convention for the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views are different from other views. The naming convention for the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views is N Acct <chart of accounts ID> <segment name> H and N Acct <chart of accounts ID> <segment name> D respectively. For example, the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views for a chart of account ID value 101 and for the Account segment is represented as N Acct 101 Account H and N Acct 101 Account D respectively.

For the standard and XOP roles, the names of the applicable organizational units are provided. A link to the views' answers, whether at the help file-level or exported to the meta-layer of a reporting tool, is provided.

View Description

The View Description screen provides the type, abbreviated description, and detailed essay for the view.

The essay contains the granularity statement for the view, describes the view and the information returned, and lists the filters that must be applied while running the view. The essay contains the conditions that affect the generation of columns or population of data. The security available for the view is also indicated.

The organizational unit to which the view pertains will be listed, and the applicable chart of accounts, currency, calendar, and inventory organization, among other details, may also be identified on the basis of the view module and type.

A link to the view's columns is provided. Links to the view's answers (whether at the help file-level or exported to the meta-layer of a reporting tool) and related views may also be provided.

Column List

The Column List screen lists the names of columns and their descriptions for a view.

The columns available in this screen are categorized into the following types:

Search-by columns:These columns are prefixed with A$. Each of these columns is indexed; Oracle uses indexes to find specific pieces of data without having to perform time-consuming scans of the database. For more information, see Search-by Column Hints in “Retrieving Data with NoetixViews.”

View columns: These are standard columns that may correspond to GUI elements on the windows of Oracle E-Business Suite.

Flag columns: These columns return “Y” or “N” to indicate a choice between two, mutually exclusive options. The null value is also sometimes returned.

Join-to columns: These columns are prefixed with Z$ and can be used to join views. In the case of a global view, the Z$<column label>$<key flexfield view name>column will also be provided for joining the global view with a key flexfield view. For more information, see Join-to Column Hints in “Retrieving Data with NoetixViews.”

Key flexfield segments: These columns are dynamically generated for the key flexfields that are configured in Oracle E-Business Suite and that are supported by Noetix inNoetix views. For more information about how key flexfield information is displayed in Noetix views, see Key Flexfield Support in Noetix Views in Forms of Noetix Views.

Descriptive flexfield attributes: These columns are dynamically generated in Noetix views for the descriptive flexfields that are configured in Oracle E-Business Suite. In a view that returns descriptive flexfield information, a column is returned for every attribute value of the flexfield. In some cases, a column is also returned for the attribute description corresponding to the attribute value of the flexfield. The columns that return attribute values use the naming convention <column label>$<attribute name> (Example: ACCT$Misc). The columns that return attribute descriptions use the naming convention <column label>$$DESCRIPTION$$<attribute name> (Example: ACCT$$DESCRIPTION$$Misc).

Related Views

For a view, the Related Views screen lists other, related views. The view and its related views could use the same columns, return similar information, and share common business functions. However, join-to (Z$) columns will not be available for linking the view with the related views.

The Related Views screen is accessed through following the See Also link on the View Description screen.


The Examples screen lists answers for all the views of a role. These answers could be at the help file-level or exported to the meta-layer of a reporting tool. This screen is accessed through following the Examples link on the Views List screen.

The Examples pop-up screen lists the answers for a particular view and is accessed through following the Examples link on the View Description screen. When the Hint link for an answer is used, a screen opens with information on how to construct the SQL query for the answer.


The HTML Help format enables the Noetix Help File to be accessed over a network and easily viewed through a Web browser.

Help Contents

The Help Contents page identifies the Oracle E-Business Suite instance and NOETIX SYS schema to which the help file pertains. Information about the version of NoetixViews and name of the Oracle database is also provided.

The available Noetix roles in the NOETIX SYS schema are listed as links. The roles are arranged by the standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), and global forms of views. For the global form of the views, the XXK KEY FLEXFIELD role is also listed.

Views List

The Views List screen displays links to all the views for a Noetix role. The view type and a short description for each view are also provided. The view labels begin with the role prefix. For key flexfield views, the view names are prefixed with “XXK”. For example, the key flexfield view corresponding to the Accounting Flexfield is XXK GL Acct. However, the naming convention for the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views are different from other views. The naming convention for the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views is N Acct <chart of accounts ID> <segment name> H and N Acct <chart of accounts ID> <segment name> D respectively. For example, the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views for a chart of account ID value 101 and for the Account segment is represented as N Acct 101 Account H and N Acct 101 Account D respectively.

For the standard and XOP roles, the names of the applicable organizational units are provided. Links to the views' answers, whether at the help file-level or exported to the meta-layer of a reporting tool, are provided.

View Description

On the view-specific page, the top section provides the type, abbreviated description, and detailed essay for the view.

The essay contains the granularity statement for the view, describes the view and the information returned, and lists the filters that must be applied while running the view. The essay contains the conditions that affect the generation of columns or population of data. The security available for the view is also indicated.

The organizational unit to which the view pertains will be listed, and the applicable chart of accounts, currency, calendar, and inventory organization, among other details, may also be identified on the basis of the view module and type.

A link to the view's columns is provided. Links to the view's answers (whether at the help file-level or exported to the meta-layer of a reporting tool) and related views may also be provided.

Column List

The Columns section of the view-specific page lists the names of columns and their descriptions for a view:

The columns available in this screen are categorized into the following types:

Search-by columns: These columns are prefixed with A$. Each of these columns is indexed; Oracle uses indexes to find specific pieces of data without having to perform time-consuming scans of the database. For more information, see Search-by Column Hints in “Retrieving Data with NoetixViews.”

View columns: These are standard columns that may correspond to GUI elements on the windows of Oracle E-Business Suite.

Flag columns: These columns return “Y” or “N” to indicate a choice between two, mutually exclusive options. The null value is also sometimes returned.

Join-to columns: These columns are prefixed with Z$ and can be used to join views. In the case of a global view, the Z$<column label>$<key flexfield view name> column will also be provided for joining the global view with a key flexfield view. For more information, see Join-to Column Hints in “Retrieving Data with NoetixViews.”

Key flexfield segments: These columns are dynamically generated for the key flexfields that are configured in Oracle E-Business Suite and that are supported by Noetix in Noetix views. For more information about how key flexfield information is displayed in Noetix views, seeManage Key Flexfield Data in the Global Views

Descriptive flexfield attributes: These columns are dynamically generated in Noetix views for the descriptive flexfields that are configured in Oracle E-Business Suite. In a view that returns descriptive flexfield information, a column is returned for every attribute value of the flexfield. In some cases, a column is also returned for the attribute description corresponding to the attribute value of the flexfield. The columns that return attribute values use the naming convention <column label>$<attribute name> (Example: ACCT$Misc). The columns that return attribute descriptions use the naming convention <column label>$$DESCRIPTION$$<attribute name> (Example: ACCT$$DESCRIPTION$$Misc).

Related Views

The Related Views section of the view-specific page lists other, related views. The view and its related views could use the same columns, return similar information, and share common business functions. However, join-to (Z$) columns will not be available for linking the view with the related views. The Related Views section is accessed through following the See Also links on the view-specific page.


The Examples section of the Views List page lists answers for all the views of a role. These answers could be at the help file-level or exported to the meta-layer of a reporting tool. This section is accessed through following the Examples links on the Views List page.

The Examples section of the view-specific page lists the answers for a particular view and is accessed through following the Examples links on the page. When the Hint link for an answer is used, a page opens with information on how to construct the SQL queries for all the answers of the corresponding role.

Query Tool Help

You can retrieve help information for Noetix views with your query tool. This help format can be obtained in two basic ways. The first uses a built-in feature of the query tool while the other method involves querying a help view.

When accessing help through your query tool, use the query tool to query one of the following two views:

Help Noetix Views: For a description of each view

Help Noetix Columns: For a description of all the columns in a view

This works especially well with query tools that allow you to see two queries at the same time.


About Noetix Search

In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, the term “set of books” has been replaced by “ledger”. The terms “set of books” and “ledger” refer to the same concept.

insigihtsoftwareoffers Noetix Search (Noetix Search), which helps users quickly find the right Noetix views to answer key business questions using their Oracle E-Business Suite data. Noetix Search is offered as a separate product and can be purchased from Magnitude. Noetix Search offers business users and report developers the ability to do the following:

See a detailed description of a Noetix view, along with examples and tips on how to build reports with it

Sort quickly on columns that can be used to filter data and join to other views

Find all views that use the same column

View an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) that displays how the view is related to other views

See which views are related to and can be joined to other views

Learn which Oracle tables were used to develop the Noetix view

Display a list of the available columns in the Oracle tables used by the view

Find all the views that extract information from the same Oracle table

See the related roles, columns, tables, and answers associated with a particular view

Print details of objects, such as views, tables, and columns, available in a NoetixViews instance

Export all the data available in the view details page to a PDF document

Users can use their favorite browser—Windows Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari—to search by keywords, view/column names, and table/column names. Guided navigation can also be used for searching views by objects, Oracle E-Business Suite modules, roles, and role types.

For Oracle E-Business Suite version 12.2.3 and later, the editioning view corresponding to an Oracle table can be identified through Noetix Search. Generally, the view will have the same name as the table along with an additional number (#) sign as a suffix.

Presentation Model for Global Views in Noetix Search

A presentation model is available in Noetix Search that helps in easily identifying the information about the global views, the key flexfield views associated with the global views, and the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views associated with each chart of accounts. The presentation model is created when you build a search instance for the global form of Noetix views.

The presentation model available in Noetix Search is as follows:

Information about all the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views associated with each chart of accounts is available in the XXHIE entity under the Modules category on the left.

Information about all the key flexfield views associated with the global views is available in the XXKFF entity under the Modules category on the left.

For views containing key flexfields that support only a single structure, a list of structures corresponding to each key flexfield is displayed under the Structures supported by this view area of the Structures tab in the view details page. For example, for the global form of the FA Asset Assignments view, the structures corresponding to the Asset Key Flexfield, Category Flexfield, and Location Flexfield key flexfields are available.

For views containing key flexfields that support multiple structures, key flexfield views will be generated, and the views and the key flexfield views can be joined. The key flexfield views are displayed under the Parent Views area of the Other Views tab in the view details page. For example, for the global form of the GL All Balances view, you will see one or more of the key flexfield views, such as XXK GL Acct Acct and XXK GL Acct D Acct, displayed under the Parent Views area. You can then click a key flexfield view to see the structure-related information under the Structures supported by this view area on the Structures tab.

For views that return information about Accounting Flexfield, a set of parent-child hierarchy and essentials views are generated for segments of each structure if parent and child values are defined for segments.

Details of the segment columns corresponding to a key flexfield structure can be viewed by expanding the structure under the Structures supported by this view area on the Structures tab. The segment columns corresponding to the structure are represented in a hierarchy format. You can also click a segment column to view its details along with the list of views in which the same segment column is available. For example, the Item structure that is supported in the global form of the INV Forecasts view contains the Item$SV$Item segment column. When you click this segment column, you can see its details along with the list of views in which the same column is available.



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