NoetixViews Administrator Tools
The following tools and features are available within the NoetixViews Administrator. For information about other features, on the Help menu, click Help Topics.
To access these tools
Click Start > All Programs > NoetixViews > NoetixViews Administrator. The welcome dialog box is displayed.
Locate the tool on the toolbar or on the menu options.
Change Base Installation Directory
The Change Base Installation Directory tool allows the user to specify the base installation directory. For example, if the base installation is e:\installs, then NOETIX SYS user directories will be created in e:\installs.
You can only change this option when you are not connected as a user. Click the Disconnect on the NoetixViews Administrator toolbar before changing your base installation directory.
Explore from Here
The Explore from Here feature opens Microsoft Windows Explorer with the current directory as the connected user’s NOETIX SYS user directory.
Grant Select Any Table/Dictionary
This option allows the user to grant themselves the following:
SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege (Oracle Server 9i and later only).
This permission is usually granted during Stage 1 of the generation process and requires a logon with DBA privileges.
Override Oracle Tool Detection
NoetixViews will automatically detect tools such as SQL*Plus and SQL*Loader when loading NoetixViews Administrator and installation software. On the Tools menu of NoetixViews Administrator, click Override Oracle Tool Detection to override the detected tools. In the Override Oracle Tool Detection dialog box, choose the version of SQL*Loader and/or SQL*Plus that you would prefer to use from the Override Path lists.
Enable/Disable Administrator Functionality
By default, the ability to generate NoetixViews and NoetixAnswers and generate the Noetix Help File (Help Generation) is enabled for the Noetix System Administration User. On the Tools menu, click Support > Enable Noetix Administrator Functionality to disable these features, if required.
Note: You can also disable these features using scripts. For doing this, using SQL*Plus, run iguifs.sql. For more information, see Available SQL and MS-DOS Scripts in Administrative Scripts
When these features are disabled, the menu options and buttons will not be available in NoetixViews Administrator, preventing users from inadvertently starting a generation of Noetix Help File. However, this does not prevent users from running the same processes using scripts.
To change these settings, you must provide valid logon information for a user with DBA privileges.
You can choose to enable or disable features for all sessions or only the current session.
Enabling/disabling features for all sessions will affect anyone who logs on with the user name that is currently used for logging on. This change will affect all future sessions but not the current session.
Enabling/disabling features for the current session will temporarily enable or disable the features for the user name that is currently used for logging on. This change will affect the current session but not the subsequent sessions.