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NoetixViews Customization

This section provides information about the customization of Noetix views for various purposes. The section also contains information about the Noetix Customization Maintenance (NCM) program and Noetix Views Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench).

For information about the best practices and checklist for accomplishing a business intelligence (BI) report through its various stages, such as design, development, customization, and deployment, using NoetixViews.

Understand NOETIX SYS Schema

NOETIX SYS is the default name of the Noetix System Administration User account created during a new generation of Noetix views. You can choose a different name for the Noetix System Administration User account during Stage 1 of the Noetix views generation process. For more information, see Stage 1: Create Noetix System Administration User Account in Generate Using NoetixViews Administrator. All the NoetixViews objects are contained within the NOETIX SYS schema on the database.

Note: Oracle DBAs may drop the NOETIX SYS schema with the Cascade option to remove a generation of Noetix views. Additional steps are necessary to drop the associated database roles.

  1. Identify the charts of accounts that you want to suppress.

  2. On a computer that is running Windows, from the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\<NoetixViews installation folder>\Master\Scripts folder, copy the wnoetxu3.sql script to the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\<NoetixViews installation folder>\Master\Custom folder. On a computer that is running Linux or UNIX, the wnoetxu3.sql script will be available under the directory where you have copied all the NoetixViews installation files and scripts.

  3. Edit the file using a text editor application, and then look for the line that reads “--Suppression script goes here...”. After you locate this line, press ENTER to move to the next line.

  4. Type the following lines of code:

    n org suppression pkg.COA Suppression(i coa id => <chart of accounts ID>);

    where <chart of accounts ID> represents the chart of accounts ID.

  5. For example, to suppress a chart of accounts with ID 50194, type the following lines of code:

    n org suppression pkg.COA Suppression(i coa id => 50194)

    If you want to suppress more than one chart of accounts, use separate lines of code for each chart of accounts and end each line with a semicolon (;).

  6. Save the changes.

  7. Generate the views.

The technical customers may want to explore the NOETIX SYS schema for a better understanding of how Noetix is able to generate so many customized CREATE VIEW statements in such a short span of time. If you observe each NOETIX SYS schema, you will find a number of NoetixViews template tables called n view % templates that store generic information common for all customers (hand-crafted metadata before it has been tailored to your specific Oracle E-Business Suite configuration). You will also find non-template tables called n view % that contain information unique to the specific Oracle E-Business Suite instance for which the views were generated. This information is used by the NoetixViews scripts, and the resulting unique CREATE VIEW statements can be found in the mkview.lst file in the NOETIX SYS user directory. The CREATE VIEW statements for views built by the NoetixViews Cross Operations Extension (XOP) can be found in mkviewx.lst. The CREATE VIEW statements for views built by the Global extension are found in the mkviewg.lst file.

These mkview%.lst files can be used as a supplemental tool to help your technical report developers. While the Noetix Help File is ideal to assist end users to navigate NoetixViews, the mkview.lst file is useful for technical users who want to understand how each view was built.

Important: Do not directly modify the mkview%.sql or mkview%.lst files. These files are automatically generated during the views generation and are overwritten each time the views are regenerated or upgraded. More importantly, this type of change would require customer intervention for the life of the NoetixViews software to keep the reports intact. You must do the customizations within the Noetix approved methodology as specified in this section.

Customize NoetixViews

The functionality in Oracle E-Business Suite is vast, and insigihtsoftwareattempts to provide out-of-the-box support through NoetixViews for the majority of the customer’s needs for operational reporting. When a requirement has not been met, the views can be customized through changes to the scripts in the NOETIX SYS user directory.

Some of the customizations that you can apply to NoetixViews are as follows:

  • Adding a column

  • Dropping a column

  • Modifying a column description or view essay

  • Adding a table to a view

These customizations can then be generated into the meta-layers of business intelligence (BI) tools through the use of Noetix generators.

For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.3 and later, the non-template metadata customizations (applied through the wnoetxu5.sql script) must use the editioning view of an Oracle table if such a view is available. Generally, the editioning view of a table will have the same name as the table along with an additional number (#) sign as a suffix. Proper use of editioning views is required for non-template metadata customizations to work correctly with the online patching feature of Oracle E-Business Suite. Customizations of the template metadata (applied through the wnoetxu2.sql script) will continue to use the Oracle tables. For information about the editioning views, see the Oracle documentation and the ALL EDITIONING VIEWS data dictionary view. These tables can also be identified through Noetix Search.

Customize NoetixViews Using NoetixViews Workbench

Views customizations can be created, managed, and integrated with NoetixViews through the NoetixViews Workbench. A web-based application, the NoetixViews Workbench can also be used for management of legacy hook scripts. For information, see the Noetix Views Workbench section.

Customize Segment Hierarchy Levels for Parent-Child Views

The default value set for the segment hierarchy levels in parent-child hierarchies views is 11. However, you can modify the default setting and assign a value that is not less than 6 or not more than 20.

Note: If you specify a value of less than 6 or greater than 20, the default minimum or maximum value will be applied.

To modify the default value set for the segment hierarchy levels

  1. Open the NOETIX SYS schema installation folder.

  2. Locate the wnoetx parentchild defaults.sql file, and open the file using a text editor.

  3. Read the instructions provided in the file.

  4. Locate the following text entry:


  5. Modify the value based on the required number of segment hierarchy levels.

  6. Save the changes.

  7. Generate the views.

Suppress Noetix Views

The NoetixViews Workbench can be used for suppressing the tables, columns, or where clauses of views before they are regenerated. For information, see the Noetix Views Workbench section.

The generation of views and their components, such as queries, columns, and tables, can also be limited through the legacy method of using a suppression hook script. For example, when the customers prefer to have separate schemas for some NoetixViews modules, the customers will create multiple NOETIX SYS user directories and copy the suppression hook script unique to each schema to the respective NOETIX SYS user directory before generating the views.

Suppress Parent-Child Hierarchy Views in NoetixViews

The parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials views are generated for each segment of each chart of accounts in Oracle E-Business Suite. These views can be used only with the global Noetix views and are generated for a segment only if a flex value set is defined on that segment. By default, the parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials views are generated in a NoetixViews configuration. NoetixViews provides a feature for suppressing the parent-child hierarchy views. You can decide to suppress either the parent-child hierarchies views or the parent-child essentials views or both depending on the requirement.

To suppress the parent-child hierarchy views

  1. On a Windows-based computer, copy the wnoetxu4.sql script from the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\<NoetixViews installation folder>\Master\Scripts folder to the <installation folder>\Noetix Corporation\<NoetixViews installation folder>\Master\Custom folder. On a Linux-based or UNIX-based computer, the wnoetxu4.sql script will be available under the directory where you have copied all the NoetixViews installation files and scripts.

  2. Edit the file using a text editor application, and then look for the PARENT CHILD PROCESSING section.

  3. To suppress the parent-child hierarchies views, remove the double hyphen (--) from the beginning of the line define GENERATE HIERARCHY VIEWS='N'. To suppress the parent-child essentials views, remove the double hyphen (--) from the beginning of the line define GENERATE DIMENSION VIEWS='N'.

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Generate the views.

Suppress Charts of Accounts in NoetixViews

NoetixViews provides a feature for suppressing the charts of accounts that are not required in a NoetixViews configuration. For example, this feature can be used to suppress those charts of accounts that are not associated with a ledger/set of books. Suppressing a chart of accounts results in that chart of account's segments not being including in the views, the associated code combinations not being cached in the Noetix key flexfield data cache, the data for all associated ledgers/sets of books, operating units, and inventory organizations not being returned by the global views, the associated ledgers/sets of books, operating units, and inventory organizations not getting generated in the corresponding standard or XOP roles, and no parent-child views generated for its segments. The following procedure explains how to suppress charts of accounts.

To suppress charts of accounts

Noetix Customization Maintenance

Noetix Customization Maintenance (NCM) is a service that enables customers to maintain their NoetixViews customizations through the new releases of NoetixViews or Oracle Applications. For information about NCM, see the Article Number: 000008097 (INFO: What is Noetix Customization Maintenance?) on the Knowledge area of the insightsoftware Support Community.

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