Presentation Model in NWQ
To create the presentation model in the meta-layer of NWQ, the Noetix views metadata must be generated into the meta-layer by using Angles for Oracle Generator for Noetix Platform—Oracle E-Business Suite Edition (Angles for Oracle Generator). After generating the Noetix views metadata, when users log on to NWQ, they can view the presentation model and the data provided in the presentation model. The presentation model in NWQ has the following components:
A folder is created for a global role or set of global roles corresponding to a NoetixViews module. For example, for the global roles corresponding to the Oracle Human Resources module, a folder named “NoetixViews for Oracle Human Resources” is created.
Under the folder created for a NoetixViews module, all the views and answers corresponding to the global role or global roles are organized into logical groups based on their functional area. These logical groups are presented as folders. For example, the “NoetixViews for Oracle Human Resources” folder will contain subfolders for views, such as “HR User Views”, “HR Manager Views”, and “HR Salary Manager Views”, and subfolders for answers, such as “HR User Answers”, “HR Manager Answers”, and “HR Salary Manager Answers.”
Under each folder created for the view category, the global views, key flexfield views, and structure-specific key flexfield views corresponding to that view category are available. For example, the “HR Manager Views” folder will contain the global views, such as “HRG0 Budgets” and “HRG0 Elements”, the key flexfield views, such as “XXK Grade” and “XXK Group”, and the structure-specific key flexfield views, such as “XXK Grade (ZA Grades)” and “XXK Group (Australian People Flexfield)”. If parent-child hierarchies views and parent-child essentials views are available, you will see views such as the “Account Parent-Child Hierarchies (Operations Accounting Flex)” and “Account Parent-Child Essentials (Operations Accounting Flex)” views configured in the “General Ledger Views” folder.
When you generate the global views that contain key flexfields with multiple structures, then the key flexfield and structure-specific key flexfield views are generated for each key flexfield available in the global views. These views are created to allow the key flexfield structure columns to be included in the queries by joining the key flexfield and structure-specific key flexfield views to the respective global view.
The key flexfield views have a column for each structure associated with a key flexfield. The structure-specific key flexfield views have columns for the segments that are associated with one key flexfield structure. The structure-specific key flexfield views are a subset of the key flexfield views.
The key flexfield views start with XXK followed by the flexfield name. The structure-specific key flexfield views start with the key flexfield view name followed by the structure name.
The presentation model also provides a reporting solution for the parent-child hierarchies of an Accounting Flexfield segment. The reporting solution consists of two views, parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials. These views are configured in the presentation model under the view category folder corresponding to a global role. For example, the “Account Parent-Child Hierarchies (Operations Accounting Flex)” and “Account Parent-Child Essentials (Operations Accounting Flex)” views are configured in the “General Ledger Views” folder. If the names of the parent-child hierarchies and parent-child essentials views exceed 63 characters, the views will be displayed as “<segment name> P-C H (<chart of accounts name>)” and“<segment name> P-D E (<chart of accounts name>).” For example, the views “Appropriation P-C H (Progress Accounting Flexfield)” and “Appropriation P-C E (Progress Accounting Flexfield)” are generated for the Progress Accounting Flexfield chart of accounts.
For information about parent-child hierarchy views, see Support for Parent-Child Hierarchies in Global Views in the “NoetixViews for Oracle General Ledger” section in “Module-Specific Information.”
Using Parent-Child Views in NWQ
This section discusses an example for using the parent-child views of an Accounting Flexfield segment hierarchy. The example discusses how to use the parent-child essentials view to build a report that returns all the leaf flex values corresponding to a parent flex value.
This example discusses how to build a report using a parent-child essentials view and a fact view. The example uses a fact view GL Balances and a parent-child essentials view Account Parent-Child Essentials configured in the presentation model for the Operations Accounting Flex chart of accounts. The report created in the example provides details of the account balances corresponding to all the child flex values of a parent flex value for the Account segment. The report is further filtered using a ledger and period.
To build a sample report using a parent-child essentials view
Log on to NWQ.
Click the top-level folder that contains the fact and parent-child essentials views.
Click the folder corresponding to the NoetixViews module for Oracle Financials.
Click the folder that contains the fact and parent-child essentials views. In the current example, a folder called General Ledger Views that contains the fact and parent-child essentials views is used.
Click the parent-child essentials view that you want to use in your report, and then click new custom query. In the current example, a parent-child essentials view called Account Parent-Child Essentials (Operations Accounting Flex) is used.
From the menu, click VTABLES. The VTABLES page appears.
On the VTABLES page, click Load Related VTables. The available VTables corresponding to the fact views are listed in the Available VTable(s) list.
Select the VTables that you want to use in the report. In the current example, the GLG0 Balances VTable is selected.
Select the required columns that you want to include in the report from the VTables that you already selected. In the current example, the Parent Child Description With Value and the Leaf Description With Value columns are selected from the Account Parent-Child Essentials (Operations Accounting Flex) VTable and the Acct$CV$Accounting KFF, Balance, Ledger Name, Period Name columns are selected from the GLG0 Balances VTable.
Specify the filters for the required columns. In the current example, filters are set on the Parent Description With Value, Ledger Name, and Period Name columns. For the filtering condition, the value Net Income (7999) is assigned to the Parent Description With Value column, the value Vision Operations (USA) is assigned to the Ledger Name column, and the value Apr-01 is assigned to the Period Name column.
In the current example, if you want to reuse the report for finding information about other parent flex values, configure parameters for the Parent Description With Value column and for the other required columns.
Run the report. In the current example, the report will display the account balances corresponding to all the child flex values of the Net Income (7999) parent flex value for the Vision Operations (USA) ledger and for the period Apr-01.