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Types of Search

Noetix Search allows you to search for information using the following search options:

Basic Search

Basic Search allows you to search for information by typing a keyword or phrase in the SEARCH box of the Noetix Search home page.

You can search for views and relationship sets using the names of the source columns or tables in Oracle E-Business Suite as search keywords. When you use a column name as a keyword to search for views that use the column, the corresponding views will be displayed even if you exclude the underscore ( ) special character in the column name. For example, you can type "Authorization Status" instead of "Authorization Status" to display all views that use the Authorization Status column.

The keyword used to search for an object is highlighted in the list of search results to indicate why a particular object was returned. The first three occurrences of the search keyword are highlighted in the excerpts of the data categories for the object. The count of the total number of keyword matches is displayed when more than three matches are found.

Commonly used synonyms and words are specified in the synonyms.txt and stopwords en.txt files to improve the relevance of the search results. The synonyms.txt file is available at %programfiles%\Noetix\Noetix Search\Solr\solr\conf and the stopwords en.txt file is available at %programfiles%\Noetix\Noetix Search\Solr\solr\conf\lang. Commonly used abbreviations are added to the synonym list to refine the search results when searching with these terms. For example, you can use the "acct" abbreviation to search for objects containing the word "account". Words that are added to the stop word list are ignored when a search is performed. Additionally, Noetix Search has been configured to return results when the search keyword partially matches a title. For example, you can use the partial keyword "vouc" to search for objects containing the word "voucher". The keyword is highlighted in the object title, description, and the data categories in the search results and object details pages.

Keywords can be added as single words or as a phrase within double quotes. Keywords can be prefixed with a '+' or '–' to definitely include or exclude from the search results (for example, "account balance" -Rollup -Budget +Actual). Noetix Search does not recognize the following special characters:

  • !
  • ?
  • #
  • $
  • %
  • ^
  • &
  • *
  • (
  • )
  • <
  • >
  • {
  • }
  • ,
  • ~
  • `
  • @

Guided Navigation

The guided navigation area of the Noetix Search home page has two sections to filter data:

  • Object type filter section
  • Category filter section

The object type filter section consists of check boxes for object types that are specific to the search instance being searched. If a Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision instance is selected, relationship sets, fields, tables, and table columns will be listed in the Noetix Analytics filters or RapidDecision Analytics filters section. If a NoetixViews instance is selected, views, view columns, tables, table columns, and report samples will be listed in the NoetixViews filters section. By default, the check boxes are not selected, and the scope of the search is applicable for all object types.

Depending on the object type filter that you selected in the filter section of the guided navigation area, the search results are displayed. For example, views and their descriptions are displayed when you select the Views check box. Similarly, relationship sets and their descriptions are displayed when you select the Relationship sets check box. You can click a view or relationship set in the search results to view its details page. The details page displays all related entities for the selected object.

The category filters section contains categories of data that are specific to the configuration of the selected search instance. The categories and subcategories in the guided navigation area are as follows:

Search instance Categories, subcategories
  • Modules
  • Organization
    • Business Groups
    • Inventory Orgs
    • Operating Units
    • Ledgers
  • Views
    • Roles
    • Role Types
Noetix Analytics
  • Connections
  • Functional Groups

The object type and category filter sections contain the count in parentheses for the number of objects matching the object type or category filter selected. The object count changes depending on the combination of search keyword and navigation filters used. For example, if you select the Views and View columns object type filters, click the APG0 PAYABLES category filter, type the “invoice” keyword, and click Go, the object count for views will change to show the number of views in the payables role matching the “invoice” keyword. Similarly, the count for view columns will change to show the number of view columns in the payables role matching the “invoice” keyword and the count for APG0 PAYABLES will change to show the number of views and view columns in the payables role matching the “invoice” keyword. You can use any combination of navigation filters and search keywords to narrow your search to the desired objects.

Advanced Search

You can use Advanced Search to build an advanced search query to retrieve data. You can include additional search keywords and exclude unwanted search keywords. For more information about the use of keywords, see Basic Search.

Depending on the instance that you select (NoetixViews or Noetix Analytics), the corresponding object types that you can search are listed.

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