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Presentation Model for Global Views in Noetix Search

For Noetix Views (NoetixViews) metadata, a presentation model is available in Noetix Search (Noetix Search) that helps in identifying the information about the global views, the key flexfield views associated with the global views, and the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views associated with each chart of accounts. The presentation model is created when you build a search instance for the global form of Noetix views.

The presentation model available in Noetix Search is as follows:

  • Information about all the parent-child hierarchies and essentials views associated with each chart of accounts is available in the XXHIE entity under the Modules category on the left.
  • Information about all the key flexfield views associated with the global views is available in the XXKFF entity under the Modules category on the left.
  • For views containing key flexfields that support only a single structure, a list of structures corresponding to each key flexfield is displayed under the Structures supported by this view area of the Structures tab in the view details page. For example, for the global form of the FA Asset Assignments view, the structures corresponding to the Asset Key Flexfield, Category Flexfield, and Location Flexfield key flexfields are available.

  • For views containing key flexfields that support multiple structures, key flexfield views will be generated, and the views and the key flexfield views can be joined. The key flexfield views are displayed under the Master Views area of the Other Views tab in the view details page. For example, for the global form of the GL All Balances view, you can see one or more of the key flexfield views, such as XXK GL Acct Acct and XXK GL Acct D Acct, displayed under the Master Views area. You can then click a key flexfield view to see the structure-related information under the Structures supported by this view area on the Structures tab.

  • For views that return information about Accounting Flexfield, a set of parent-child hierarchy and essentials views are generated for segments of each structure if parent and child values are defined for segments.


  • Details of the segment columns corresponding to a key flexfield structure can be viewed by expanding the structure under the Structures supported by this view area on the Structures tab. The segment columns corresponding to the structure are represented in a hierarchy format. You can also click a segment column to view its details with the list of views in which the same segment column is available. For example, the Item structure that is supported in the global form of the INV Forecasts view contains the Item$SV$Item segment column. When you click this segment column, you can see its details along with the list of views in which the same column is available.

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