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Upgrade NoetixViews Workbench

This chapter describes the procedure to upgrade the Noetix Views Workbench (NoetixViews Workbench). Before beginning the upgrade process, you need to make sure that the prerequisite are met. For information about the prerequisites, see Prerequisites for Installation.

Important: This section explains how to upgrade NoetixViews Workbench.Back up your NoetixViews Workbench repository before you upgrade the NoetixViews Workbench. When you upgrade the NoetixViews Workbench, the underlying repository will also be upgraded. After the upgrade, you may need to upgrade your customizations, and if you do not want to upgrade your customizations, you will have to use the previous version of the NoetixViews Workbench and restore the backed up copy of the repository. Additionally, the optional configuration changes made to the NoetixEnterpriseManager service will be lost after the upgrade. Therefore, you will need to implement these changes anew after the upgrade.

To upgrade NoetixViews Workbench

Make sure that the Noetix Enterprise Manager (Noetix Enterprise Manager) is upgraded before you upgrade the NoetixViews Workbench.

Double-click the Workbench-<version>-windows-x64.exe file. The Welcome to Noetix Views Workbench Setup page is displayed.

Review the information, and click Next. The Software License Agreement page is displayed.

Click I Agree. The Installation Found page appears.

Select the Upgrade NoetixViews Workbench option, and click Next. The Existing NoetixViews Workbench Repository Owner page is displayed. By default, the user name and TNS is available.

Type the Password for the existing NoetixViews Workbench repository owner, and click Next. The Ready to Install page appears.”

Click Install to start the upgrade process. The progress of the upgrade is displayed.

An error message will be displayed during the upgrade if the upgrade process could not migrate some of the view revisions to the latest NoetixViews Workbench version. Subsequently, the setup will be aborted. Detailed information about the error will be available in the installation log file for NoetixViews Workbench. For information on troubleshooting the problem, see Appendix A: Troubleshooting NoetixViews Workbench. For help, contactinsightsoftwareSupport.

Optionally, click Show details. The log details of the upgrade process is displayed. After the upgrade process is complete, the Installation Complete page appears.

Click Next. A message will be displayed stating that the Noetix Views Workbench installation has been completed successfully.

Click Finish. The installation wizard is closed.

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