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View and Answer Authorization

For querying a view or running an answer in the business intelligence (BI) tool, users need to be assigned the required privileges. For assigning these privileges, the following are done:

  • For each BI tool user, a corresponding Noetix query user is created. The query user is assigned a Noetix role through the Security Manager dialog box. The role assigned to the query user allows the user to access a set of views corresponding to the role in the BI tool.

  • The BI tool user is granted access to a folder, business area, group, or role that contains the views or answers in the BI tools. After these privileges are granted, the users can access all the respective views or answers.

Noetix Generators automatically configure access to views and answers in the BI tool for a BI tool user based on the Noetix roles assigned to the associated Noetix query user. In some BI tools where the Noetix Generators do not configure access to views and answers automatically for a BI tool user, the administrator of the BI tool has to manually grant the required permissions to the BI tool user.

Noetix Generators, BI Tools, and Noetix Query Users

Oracle Discover and Noetix WebQuery (NWQ) use Noetix query users’ settings to manage access to views and answers. The setup required for the Noetix query user to access the views or answers in the BI tool is done by the Angles for Oracle Generator for the respective BI tools. Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI), IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (Cognos BI), and SAP BusinessObjects do not use the Noetix query users’ settings to manage access to views and answers. In these tools, the BI tool administrator decides the BI tool user’s access to views and answers. However, in these BI tools, to apply row-level security for a BI tool user, the BI tool user needs to be associated with a Noetix query user. For more information about row-level security, see Data Access Privilege.

This section explains how to set up a Noetix query user's access to views and answers in the following BI tools. The discussion pertains to Noetix query users of Database User (Type U), Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), or Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type, except where it is specifically mentioned to include other types of Noetix query users.

For more information on users and roles, see About Noetix Query Users and Roles

ClosedNoetix WebQuery

The following steps need to be performed while setting up users’ access to views and answers in Noetix WebQuery (NWQ):

  1. Using the Security Manager dialog box, add Noetix query users of Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Responsibility (Type R) types for the Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities, and assign roles to them. You can also add database users as Database User (Type U) type users. The roles assigned to the Database User (Type U) type users are automatically assigned to the respective database users in the Oracle database. For information about creating query users and assigning roles, see Creating a Noetix Query User Account.

  2. Run Angles for Oracle Generator for Noetix Platform—Oracle E-Business Suite Edition (Angles for Oracle Generator).

Angles for Oracle Generator creates folders in NWQ for containing the views and answers that correspond to Noetix roles. It also creates NWQ users for each Database User (Type U) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type users. A user is also set up for each Oracle E-Business Suite user assigned to the responsibility of the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type users. Angles for Oracle Generator grants NWQ users those answer folders in NWQ that correspond to the roles assigned to the query user. However, Angles for Oracle Generator does not grant the users access to the NWQ folders containing views. This step is performed by the Noetix Platform administrator.

ClosedOracle Discoverer

The following steps need to be performed while setting up users’ access to views in Oracle Discoverer. Noetix answers are not generated into Discoverer.

  1. Using the Security Manager dialog box, add Noetix query users of Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Responsibility (Type R) types for the Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities, and assign roles to them. You can also add database users as Database User (Type U) type users. The roles assigned to the Database User (Type U) type users are automatically assigned to the respective database users in the Oracle database. For information about creating query users and assigning roles, see Creating a Noetix Query User Account.

  2. Run Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Discoverer (Angles for Oracle Generator).

Angles for Oracle Generator creates business areas for each extracted Noetix role. The folders in each business area correspond to the views of that role. Angles for Oracle Generator also automatically configures each user’s access to the business areas. For Applications Mode End User Layers (EULs), Angles for Oracle Generator maps Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type users to their corresponding Oracle E-Business Suite user or responsibility. They are also granted access to the business areas in the EULs based on the roles assigned to the corresponding Noetix query users. For standard EULs, Angles for Oracle Generator maps the Database User (Type U) type users to their corresponding database user in the Oracle Database and grants them the business areas that correspond to the roles assigned to the query user.

ClosedOracle Business Intelligence

The following steps need to be performed while setting up users’ access to views and answers in Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI):

  1. Using the Security Manager dialog box, add Noetix query users of Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Responsibility (Type R) types for the Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities, and assign roles to them. You can also add database users as Database User (Type U) type users. The roles assigned to the Database User (Type U) type users are automatically assigned to the respective database users and they gather access to the views in the Oracle database. For information about creating query users and assigning roles, see Creating a Noetix Query User Account. For information about how Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type users gain access to views and answers in Oracle BI, see Data Access Privilege.

  2. Run Angles for Oracle Generator for Oracle Business Intelligence (Angles for Oracle Generator).

Angles for Oracle Generator configures the Oracle BI metadata repository with subject areas containing folders, which hold Noetix views and answers. For each folder, Angles for Oracle Generator creates a user group. The Oracle BI administrator makes each Oracle BI user a member of these groups. This allows them to access the views and answers in the respective folders.

ClosedIBM Cognos Business Intelligence

The following steps need to be performed while setting up users’ access to views and answers in IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (Cognos BI):

  1. Using the Security Manager dialog box, add Noetix query users of Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Responsibility (Type R) types for the Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities, and assign roles to them. You can also add database users as Database User (Type U) type users. The roles assigned to the Database User (Type U) type users are automatically assigned to the respective database users and they gather access to the views in the Oracle database. For information about creating query users and assigning roles, see Creating a Noetix Query User Account. For information about how Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type users gain access to views and answers in Cognos BI, see Data Access Privilege.

  2. Run Angles for Oracle Generator for IBM Cognos BI (Angles for Oracle Generator).

Angles for Oracle Generator configures the Cognos Framework Manager model with packages containing folders. These folders contain the query subjects that are mapped to the views in the database. Angles for Oracle Generator creates folders that contain answers. It also creates roles that correspond to Noetix roles and are associated with respective folders. The Cognos BI administrator grants these roles to the users that allow them to access the corresponding views and answers.

ClosedSAP BusinessObjects

The following steps need to be performed while setting up users’ access to views and answers in SAP BusinessObjects:

  1. Using the Security Manager dialog box, add Noetix query users of Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Responsibility (Type R) types for the Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities, and assign roles to them. You can also add database users as Database User (Type U) type users. The roles assigned to the Database User (Type U) type users are automatically assigned to the respective database users and they gather access to the views in the Oracle database. For information about creating query users and assigning roles, see Creating a Noetix Query User Account. For information about how Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type users gain access to views and answers in BusinessObjects, see Data Access Privilege.

  2. Run Angles for Oracle Generator for SAP Business Objects (Angles for Oracle Generator).

Angles for Oracle Generator configures the BusinessObjects Universes with classes and objects that are mapped to the views in the database and generates the answers. It also creates groups that correspond to Noetix roles. The BusinessObjects administrator grants these roles to the users that allow them to access the corresponding views and answers.


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