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Grant a Role

NOTE: In accordance with the changes made in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, all references to the term “set of books” have been replaced with “ledger”.

After creating a Noetix query user or selecting a database user, Oracle E-Business Suite user, or Oracle E-Business Suite responsibility to be created as a Noetix query user, the Noetix System Administration User must grant the appropriate roles to the user using the Roles tab. Each role and its subsequent views can be found in the Noetix Help File.

Ensure you have successfully completed all generation stages before proceeding with these instructions.

IMPORTANT: When assigning roles to Noetix query users using the Roles tab, the following points should be noted:

  • For allowing Noetix query users to view data from the Noetix views for the selected Oracle applications and the corresponding organizational units specified in the row-level security tabs, appropriate roles corresponding to the selected applications should be assigned to the users.

  • Oracle E-Business Suite restricts the number of roles that can be granted to a user. The number varies based on the Oracle Database version. Assigning a user more than the maximum number of roles prevents the user from logging on. Neither Oracle E-Business Suite nor NoetixViews checks this limit; therefore, you need to keep track of how many roles you grant to the user.

  • In Oracle Discoverer and Noetix WebQuery, user authentication based on the roles and row-level security settings similar to Oracle E-Business Suite is supported. For information, see About Data Security in NoetixViews.

  • In Oracle Business Intelligence (Oracle BI), SAP BusinessObjects, and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (Cognos BI), user authentication based on the roles and row-level security settings is supported for only the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type Noetix query users if the query users are mapped to the users registered in these BI tools. For information, see Applying Row-level Security to BI Tool Users.

  ClosedTo add a role

  1. On the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box, in the Noetix Query Users list, click the Noetix query user to whom you want to assign the roles. For information about creating or modifying a Noetix query user, see  Create a Noetix Query User Account or Modify a Noetix Query User Account.

  2. Click Edit. The <Noetix query user>Properties dialog box appears.   

  3. Click the Roles tab.

NOTE: The column labels change dynamically based on the version of Oracle E-Business Suite at your site. For Oracle E-Business Suite versions prior to Release 12, the labels appear as Set of Books where applicable. For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and later, the labels appear as Ledger.

By default, all role labels appear as selected on the Noetix Role Labels list. The following columns are available:

  • Role Label Name: Indicates the description of the role. Role labels are logical groups of related roles that may have different organizational units or role types. They help you in easily finding the required roles and granting them to the user.

  • Granted Roles: Indicates the number of roles granted to the user for the corresponding role label.

  • Application: Indicates the name of the module to which the role belongs, for example, General Ledger (Oracle General Ledger) and Payables (Oracle Payables).

  • Application ID: Indicates the module ID in Oracle E-Business Suite.

You can select a role label to add the corresponding roles or select multiple role labels. You can select multiple role labels by pressing CTRL.

  1. In the Noetix Role Labels list, click the required role labels.

  2. Click Add. The Add Noetix Roles dialog box appears. The roles displayed in this dialog box correspond to the selected role labels on the Noetix Role Labels list and are yet to be assigned to the Noetix query user. The following are the columns in the Add Noetix Roles dialog box:

    • Role Name: Indicates the name of the role, as edited during Stage 4.

    • Role type: Indicates the type of the role, whether it is a standard, Cross Operations Extension (XOP), or global role.

    • Application Label: Indicates the name of the module to which the role belongs, for example, GL (General Ledger) and HR (Oracle Human Resources).

    • Description: Indicates the description of the role.

    • Role Label: Indicates the role label corresponding to the role.

    • Operating Unit: Indicates the operating unit with which the role is associated.

    • Inventory Organization: Indicates the inventory organization with which the role is associated.

    • Ledger/Set of Books: Indicates the ledger/set of books with for which the role has been created.

    • Business Group: Indicates the business group for which the role has been created.

    • Chart of Accounts: Indicates the chart of accounts with which the role is associated.

    • Master Organization: Indicates the name of the item master organization with which the role is associated.

NOTE:You need to scroll to the right to see all the information in a row. The width of columns in the list can be adjusted to see more if required. Select the line between columns in the header, and drag it to the required position. Click a column title to sort the roles by the entity represented by the column. Also, you can resize the height and width of the dialog box by dragging the sides of the dialog box.

  1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the roles that you want to assign to the Noetix query user. To select all the roles, click Select All.

  2. Click OK. You will return to the Roles tab with the selected roles displayed in the Granted Noetix Roles list.

  1. Click OK on the <Noetix query user> Properties dialog box. You will return to the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab.

  2. Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.

Important: IMPORTANT: Be careful while assigning Noetix roles that pertain to Oracle Human Resources Management System (HRMS) to Noetix query users of the Database User (Type U) or Noetix System Administration User (Type N) types. These users do not have a security profile associated with their database user accounts, unless they are defined as reporting users in Human Resources for the required security profiles. Therefore, confidential data that is secured in HRMS through security profiles may be exposed through standard or global Noetix views to these query users if they are not also set up as reporting users.

  ClosedTo remove a role

  1. On the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box, in the Noetix Query Users list, click the Noetix query user for whom you want to delete roles.

  2. Click Edit. The <Noetix query user> Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Roles tab.

  4. In the Granted Noetix Roles list, select the role that you want to delete, and click Remove selected. To remove the roles assigned to the user for all the role labels, click Remove all.

  5. Click OK. You will return to the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab.

  6. Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.

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