Stage 4: Generate Noetix Views
Stage 4 of the generation detects your configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite, generates views to match your Oracle E-Business Suite configuration, and generates the Noetix Help File.
To begin Stage 4 of the generation process
If you have opted to continue from Stage 3, Stage 4 wizard starts automatically. This wizard generates views, answers, and the Noetix Help File. To connect to this wizard from the main window of Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator), click the button labelled 4 on the toolbar. Click Next to continue.
Select the translation language that you will use in NoetixViews. The Translation Language list displays only the base language and the installed languages in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. Click Next to continue.
NOTE: If some query users require a different translation language than the one selected here, you can set this on a per-user basis after generation. For information, see General Tab (Noetix Query User Properties).Select the forms of views that you want to generate.
NOTE: The selections you make on this page before generation are set as defaults the next time you run Stage 4.
The following options are available on this page. Each option is available only if the respective form of global views is detected in your NoetixViews configuration.
Global Extension: Allows you to generate global views. If this check box is selected, global roles are created, and a set of views is generated for each global role.
Cross Operations Extension (XOP): Allows you to generate XOP views. If this check box is selected, XOP roles are created, and a set of views is generated for each XOP role. Additionally, if the Oracle E-Business Suite modules at your site for which you are generating XOP views contain organizational units that are included in standard roles, and not in XOP roles, those standard roles will also be created.
Standard: Allows you to generate standard views for all the available modules in your NoetixViews configuration. The check box is selected by default. If you select this check box, standard roles are created, and a set of views is generated for each standard role.
Include Inventory views: Allows you to generate organization-specific views for Oracle Inventory. This check box appears only if NoetixViews for Inventory is detected in your NoetixViews configuration. You can select this check box only if the Standard check box is selected. If you have more than one inventory organization at your site, you can use this option to generate a set of views specific to each inventory organization. If this check box is selected, organization-specific roles are generated for Inventory, and a set of views is generated for each inventory organization.
NOTE: The views for those modules that support only global form (such as NoetixViews for Oracle TeleService) will always be generated regardless of the selections on this page. Any such modules will be listed in a message at the bottom of the page that states that views for these modules will be generated. This message may also mention the Application Object Library (AOL) and Noetix Administration Objects modules, if they are present.
Click Next to continue.
Specify whether to generate multi-currency columns in views for Oracle Projects. The Add Projects Multi-Currency Columns to views? check box provided on this page allows you to specify whether to generate multi-currency columns in views for Projects. By default, this check box is selected. Clear the check box if you do not want to add multi-currency related columns. For information, see NoetixViews Projects Multi-Currency Columns Configuration.
NOTE: The selections you make on this page before generation are set as defaults the next time you run Stage 4.
Click Next to continue.
Specify whether to edit role prefixes while generating views. The Pause for role prefix editing check box provided on this page allows you to edit role prefixes while generating views. By default, this check box is selected. Clear the check box if you do not want to edit role prefixes.
NOTE: The selections you make on this page before generation are set as defaults the next time you run Stage 4.
Click Next to continue.(Optional) Specify whether to generate answers if you have purchased Noetix Platform, Noetix Search, or any of the Angles for Oracle Generator products. The Answer Builder check box provided on this page allows you to generate answers during Stage 4.
On the same page, choose whether to review any warnings that may be generated during the generation process. Selecting the Continue if warnings detected check box allows you to continue through generation regardless of warnings. However, if there are any errors in Stage 4 of the generation, the Noetix Answer Builder Wizard will not run. If you clear the Continue if warnings detected check box, it will allow you to review any warnings as they are generated before deciding to continue.
You may clear theAnswer Buildercheck box to manually run the Noetix Answer Builder Wizard later. After successfully completing Stage 4, clickAnswer Builderon theToolsmenu or clickon the toolbar to run the Noetix Answer Builder Wizard.
ClickNext to continue.(Optional) specify the formats for generating Noetix Help File. Select the check box next to the corresponding help format. For information, see Generate Noetix Help File.
IMPORTANT: The Query Tool Help format is ideal for advanced users who use SQL*Plus, TOAD, and similar tools. As the database comments require a large amount of Oracle tablespace, you must generate Query Tool Help only after a successful generation of Noetix views.
If you want to manually generate the help files after generation, clear the help format check boxes. After successfully completing Stage 4, clickGenerate Online Helpon theToolsmenu, and then click the help format that you want to generate or clickHelp Generation Wizardto generate Noetix Help File in all available formats.
Click Next to continue.
NOTE: If any errors are detected in Stage 4 of the Noetix views generation, the Noetix Help File will not be generated. As a workaround, after completing Stage 4, you must first run the ifix4sts.sql script to override Stage 4 errors and then manually generate the Noetix Help File. The ifix4sts.sql script is located in your NOETIX SYS user directory (by default, <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\<NOETIX SYS TNS>).Click Finish to start generating Noetix views.
As the Stage 4 wizard runs, you will be prompted for:
User Passwords.
(Optional)Customizationof your Noetix role names.
NOTE: If you are not prompted for anything during the generation, you may have a problem with Oracle tools. For help, see Pre-Generation FAQs.
At the end of Stage 4, the NoetixViews Administrator window displays any detected generation errors with Stage 4. The errors are also written to a log file called finderr.lst in your NOETIX SYS user directory. Contact insightsoftwareSupport if you need assistance with errors.
After Stage 4 is run successfully, if there are any issues with the creation of concurrent programs, a warning message will be displayed stating that the concurrent program creation has been completed with errors. If these concurrent programs are not created, your NoetixViews instance will not be updated with the data changes made in Oracle E-Business Suite after the initial generation of Noetix views. In such cases, perform the following:
Resolve the warnings or issues listed in the Listerrors cm.lst file.
Connect to the database through SQL*Plus as the Noetix System Administration User.
Run the wnoetx conc pgm create.sql script. The missing concurrent programs will be created.
If you need assistance in resolving the issues or running the script, contact insightsoftwareSupport.
NOTE: If Stage 4 fails with Noetix views generation-related errors, creation of concurrent programs will not be initiated.
To manually check the generation for errors, on the Tools menu, click Support > Find Script Errors. For information, see Find Script Errors.