Stage 3: Configure Column Properties
In Stage 3 of the Add View wizard, you can add Noetix columns to the view that is being added. Noetix columns consist of key flexfield, descriptive flexfield, and lookup type columns. Additionally, you can also modify the properties of the columns in the view that is being added. For information about Noetix columns and how they are generated in Noetix views, see the MagnitudeNoetixViews Administrator Guide and MagnitudeNoetixViews User Guide.
If the view that is being added is a list of values (LoV) view, the option for adding Noetix columns will not be available. However, you can modify the properties of the other columns in the view.
IMPORTANT: This stage consists of many pages. If you make changes in one page and if you do not proceed to the next page or to the next section, the changes made in the page will not be saved. Also, if you close the Add View wizard before creating the view and start the wizard again, you will be directly pointed to the next page or section after the last saved point in the wizard.
To configure column properties
On the Add View » Noetix Columns page, view the information displayed on the page. If the view that is being added is an LoV view, go to step 10.
Click Add Noetix Column. The Add View » Add Noetix Column page appears.
In the Column type list, select a column type for the Noetix column that you want to add. The available options are as follows:
Descriptive flexfield (DFF): If you have selected this option, proceed with the next step.
Key flexfield (KFF): If you have selected this option, go to step 5.
Lookup: If you have selected this option, go to step 6.
For the descriptive flexfield column type, do the following:
In the Column label box, type a label for the descriptive flexfield column to be added.
IMPORTANT: The column label can contain a maximum of eight characters, must begin with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. The label cannot be the same as that of an existing descriptive flexfield column. However, the label can match with that of an existing column of a non-descriptive flexfield type with different capitalization.Under the All Queries tab, in the Tables with descriptive flexfields list, click a descriptive flexfield table. If descriptive flexfields are not configured in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance, the list will be empty.
NOTE: Regardless of the number
of query tabs available for a view, the All Queries
tab will be displayed, and the modification will be done to the
descriptive flexfield column across all queries. If you select
a table with a profile option, the subsequent generation of the
view will fail if the profile condition is not met.-
In the Titles list, click a descriptive flexfield title. You can choose a title associated with the required descriptive flexfield or choose "All Titles" to include all descriptive flexfields for the selected table in the view.
NOTE: The length of the title must not exceed 40 characters. If the length exceeds 40 characters, Stage 4 may fail with an error.
In the Contexts list, click a descriptive flexfield context. You can choose a specific context or "All Contexts".
Click Add. The Add View »Noetix Columns page appears. Go to step 7.
For the key flexfield column type, do the following:
In the Column label box, type a label for the key flexfield column.
IMPORTANT: The column label can contain a maximum of eight characters, must begin with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. The label cannot be the same as that of an existing key flexfield column. However, the label can match with that of an existing column of a non-key flexfield type with different capitalization.In the Description box, provide a description, which can contain a maximum of 200 characters.
In the Select a key flexfield type list, click a key flexfield that you want to associate with the column. The following key flexfields are available for selection:
Account Aliases
Accounting Flexfield
Asset Key Flexfield
Bank Details KeyFlexField
Category Flexfield
Cost Allocation Flexfield
Grade Flexfield
Item Catalogs
Item Categories
Job Flexfield
Location Flexfield
People Group Flexfield
Personal Analysis Flexfield
Position Flexfield
Sales Order
Stock Locators
System Items
Territory Flexfield
If Item Categories was selected in the previous step, the Functional area for Global list will appear. Do one of the following:
NOTE: The Functional area for Global list will appear only if the Item Categories key flexfield is selected and the support for generating a global form of the view is enabled.In the Functional area for Global list, click a functional area that you want to associate with the key flexfield column.
If the key flexfield column returns information about more than one functional area, in the Functional area for Global list, click NONE.
Identify the query in which you want to add the key flexfield column. If the view contains multiple queries, a tab will appear for each query, and the Apply to all queries check box will be available. Select the Apply to all queries check box if you want to add the column with the same settings to all queries. Each query tab also displays the following information:
The profile condition associated with the column. You cannot specify a profile option for a column that is being added because the functionality is not presently supported by the NoetixViews Workbench.
Text indicating that the query is used in at least in one form of the view.
Text indicating that the query pertains to the version of your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
IMPORTANT: When you add a column to a view that contains multiple queries, you must add the column with the same data type to all queries in the view. If the table that you have selected from the view is not part of one or more queries, a placeholder column of the same data type will be added to the view by the NoetixViews Workbench.
For all queries or a selected query, in the Select the code combination table <table name> or a table with foreign key reference to the code combination table list, click a table in which the key flexfield information is available. The <table name> placeholder represents the code combination table corresponding to the selected key flexfield. If a code combination table is available in the list for the selected key flexfield, it will be selected automatically, and the primary key column of the selected code combination table will be listed under You have selected a code combination table.
IMPORTANT: When the view contains multiple queries, and if you have selected the Apply to all queries check box, the Select the code combination table <table name> or a table with foreign key reference to the code combination table list will display only those tables that are present in all queries. The list will not display any tables that contain composite primary keys. Also, if you select a table with a profile option, the subsequent generation of the view will fail if the profile condition is not met.If a code combination table was not selected in the previous step, in the Select a foreign key column list under You have selected a non-code combination table, click a foreign key column. This list will not be available if a code combination table was selected in the previous step.
Under How do you want your KFF columns displayed in the view?, click one of the following options to specify the condition for generating the segment columns corresponding to the selected key flexfield:
Include concatenated values: Includes the concatenated values of all the segment columns. If this option is selected, the Include concatenated segment values column check box is automatically selected.
Include concatenated and individual values: Includes the concatenated and individual values of all the segment columns. If this option is selected, the Include individual segment value columns and Include concatenated segment values column check boxes along with the check boxes corresponding to all the available qualifier columns, if any, are automatically selected.
Include concatenated and individual values and descriptions: Includes the concatenated values, concatenated descriptions, individual values, and individual descriptions of all the segment columns. If this option is selected, the Include individual segment value columns, Include concatenated segment values column, Include individual segment description columns, and Include concatenated segment descriptioncolumn check boxes are automatically selected.
NOTE: The Include concatenated and individual values and descriptions option will be available only if a code combination table is selected.
If you want to generate the global form of the view and specify additional options, select the I want to use the advanced options for Global check box.
Select one or more of the following check boxes corresponding to the additional options:
NOTE: Some options may have been already selected depending on the settings you specified in step h. You can override these options according to your requirement.Include individual segment value columns: Includes columns corresponding to individual segment values for the selected key flexfield.
Include concatenated segment values column: Includes a column corresponding to the concatenated segment values for the selected key flexfield.
Include individual segment description columns: Includes columns corresponding to the individual segment value descriptions for the selected key flexfield.
Include concatenated segment description column: Includes a column corresponding to the concatenated segment value descriptions of the selected key flexfield.
If the Accounting Flexfield was selected in step c, the check boxes corresponding to the qualifier columns configured in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance will be displayed and automatically selected. You can override these options according to your requirement. The qualifier columns supported for the Accounting Flexfield are as follows:
Intercompany Segment
Management Segment
Natural Account Segment
Cost Center Segment
Secondary Tracking Segment
Balancing Segment
Click Add. The Add View » Noetix Columns page appears. Go to step 7.
In the Column label box, type a label for the lookup column.
IMPORTANT: The column label can contain a maximum of 30 characters, must begin with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. If you want to generate a search-by (A$) column for this column, the length of the column label must not exceed 28 characters. The column label cannot be the same as that of an existing lookup column. However, the label can match with that of an existing column of a non-lookup type with different capitalization.Identify the query in which you want to add the lookup column. If the view contains multiple queries, a tab will appear for each query, and the Apply to all queries check box will be available. Select the Apply to all queries check box if you want to add the column with the same settings to all queries. Each query tab also displays the following information:
The profile condition associated with the column. You cannot specify a profile option for a column that is being added because the functionality is not presently supported by the NoetixViews Workbench.
Text indicating that the query is used in at least in one form of the view.
Text indicating that the query pertains to the version of your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
IMPORTANT: When you add a lookup column to a view containing multiple queries, you must add the column with the same data type to all queries of the view. For those queries in which the lookup information is not available, the column details can be provided by using the Pick a column or Enter an expression option without any selections or entries having to be made in the lookup column-related fields. Also, if you have selected the Apply to all queries check box and the table that you have selected from the view is not part of one or more queries, a placeholder column of the EXPR type will be added to those queries by the NoetixViews Workbench.
Pick a column: Maps the lookup column to be added to a column that is part of a table available in the view. If you have selected this option, go to step 6d.
Enter an expression: Provides an option to enter an expression. If you have selected this option, in the Column expression box that appears, type an expression that can contain a maximum of 4,000 characters, and go to step 6f.
Under Which table and column in the view has the lookup code?, in the Select a table from this view list, click a table that contains a column with the lookup codes.
In the Select a column from the selected table list, click a column that returns the lookup codes.
Under What is the lookup reference table or view?, in the Table or view name box, type the name of the lookup reference table or view that contains the meanings and descriptions for the lookup codes to be returned by the column selected in the previous step. If you want to search for the name of the table or view, do the following:
Click Find. The Select a table or view dialog box appears. [More information]
Select a table, view, base view, or lookup view that contains the meanings and descriptions for the lookup codes to be returned by the column selected in the previous step, and then click OK. If you selected a table, view, or base view, go to step 6g, and if you selected a lookup view, go to step 6h.
IMPORTANT: If the lookup reference view or table that is used by the lookup column is modified for addition, modification, or deletion of lookup codes, the changes will reflect in the lookup column only after Stage 4 is run again.
After you selected a table, view, or base view in step 6f, perform the following:
In the Select the lookup code column from <table/view/base view> list, select a lookup code column corresponding to the lookup codes returned by the column selected in step 6e or expression specified in step 6c.
In the Select the code description column from <table/view/base view> list, select a column that contains the descriptions corresponding to the lookup codes returned by the column selected in step 6e or expression specified in step 6c.
Under Which columns do you want in the view and what do you want displayed in help?, select one of the following options:
The lookup code in the view; lookup code and <meaning/description> in help (ALOOK): Populates the lookup codes in the lookup column of the view. Both the lookup codes and meanings/descriptions will be available in the Noetix Help File and Noetix Search.
The code <meaning/description> in the view; nothing in help (LOOK): Populates the meanings/descriptions of the lookup codes in the lookup column of the view.
The lookup code in the view; <meaning/description> in help (LOOKDESC): Populates the lookup codes in the lookup column of the view, and populates the meanings/descriptions of the lookup codes in the Noetix Help File and Noetix Search.
After you selected a lookup view in step 6f, perform the following:
In the Select the lookup type list, select a lookup type for the lookup codes returned by the column selected in step 6e or expression specified in step 6c.
In the Select the code description column from <lookup view> list, perform the following:
If you want the lookup column to return the meanings of the lookup codes, click MEANING.
If you want the lookup column to return the descriptions of the lookup codes, click DESCRIPTION.
Under Which columns do you want in the view and what do you want displayed in help?, click one of the following options:
The lookup code in the view; lookup code and description in help (ALOOK): Populates the lookup codes in the lookup column of the view. Both the lookup codes and descriptions will be available in the Noetix Help File and Noetix Search.
The code description in the view; nothing in help (LOOK): Populates the descriptions of the lookup codes in the lookup column of the view.
The lookup code in the view; description in help (LOOKDESC): Populates the lookup codes in the lookup column of the view, and populates the descriptions of the lookup codes in the Noetix Help File and Noetix Search.
If you have multiple queries and if you are adding the same column individually to different queries, repeat steps 6c through 6h.
After you add the column to one or more queries, configure additional column properties as follows:
In the Format class list, click a format for the column being added. The available formats are NONE, STRING, NUMERIC INTEGER, DATETIME, TIME, DATE, NUMERIC AMOUNT, and NUMERIC REAL. By default, the STRING format is selected. The format class of a column indicates the format to be used when data is displayed in business intelligence (BI) tools. For optimal results, the format class and data type of the column must match.
If you want to define the column being added as a parameter column in BI tools, and if you want to provide an LoV for the column, in the LOV view label list, click an LoV view. The LoV views listed will depend on the NoetixViews modules available in your NoetixViews instance.
If you have selected an LoV view in the previous step, in the LOV column label list, click an LoV column that you want to associate with the column being added. The LoV column provides values for the column being added when it is defined as a parameter column in BI tools.
In the Search by this column list, click Yes if you want to generate an A$ column for the column being added. By default, the value No is selected.
Click Add. The Add View » Noetix Columns page appears.
To remove a column from the list, click the column, and click Remove.
NOTE: To select multiple columns in the list, press CTRL, and click the columns.Click Next. TheAdd View » Define Column Properties page appears.
If you want to define column properties for a column, in the Select a column list, click the column. Otherwise, go to step 17.
IMPORTANT: If the length of a column label in the view code exceeds 30 characters, a message appears that the view code has at least one invalid column. Also, the invalid column is highlighted in the list.In Properties, underColumn label, the detected name, recommended name, and the actual name for the column are displayed. If you want to change the column label, in theActualbox, modify the column label.
In the Enter a description up to 200 characters box, type the description, which can contain a maximum of 200 characters.
If view that is being added is not an LoV view, and if you want to define additional column properties for the column, do the following:
If you want to generate an A$ column for the selected column, select the Search by this column check box. The selected column will be generated as an A$ column even if the corresponding column in the underlying Oracle E-Business Suite table has not been indexed.
If you want to define the column being added as a parameter column in BI tools, and if you want to provide an LoV for the column, in the LOV view label list, click an LoV view. The LoV views listed will depend on the NoetixViews modules available in your NoetixViews instance.
If you have selected an LoV view in the previous step, in the LOV column label list, click an LoV column that you want to associate with the column being added. The LoV column provides values for the column being added when it is defined as a parameter column in BI tools.
NOTE: The option for defining LoV settings is not available for key flexfield and descriptive flexfield columns.
In the Format class list, click the format for the column being added. The available formats are NONE, STRING, NUMERIC INTEGER, DATETIME, TIME, DATE, NUMERIC AMOUNT, and NUMERIC REAL. By default, theSTRING format is selected. The format class of a column indicates the format to be used when data is displayed in BI tools. For optimal results, the format class and data type of the column must match.
NOTE: The Format class list is not available for key flexfield and descriptive flexfield columns.-
If you want to change the capitalization of the column labels, in the Select a column list, select the check boxes corresponding to the columns, and do one of the following:
NOTE: If you want to select all the columns, select the Column label check box.If the original capitalization of the column labels needs to be restored, click Use original capitalization.
If each word of the column label needs to be capitalized, click Capitalize each word.
In the Selections pane, verify the properties defined for the view.
Click Create View. The view will be created and added to the NoetixViews Workbench, and theAdd View » Next Steps page appears. For information, see Stage 4: Publish Views.