Stage a Package
The staging process allows you to move the legacy customization scripts along with the customization scripts generated for each view revision in a package to a NoetixViews schema folder. After staging each package, you must run Stage 4 or incremental regeneration to apply the NoetixViews Workbench customizations to the NoetixViews schema.
You need to make sure that you have captured all the legacy customizations in your environment before staging a package. If new legacy customizations are yet to be captured, and if you stage the package and run Stage 4 or incremental regeneration, the new legacy customizations will be lost.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that a single package contains the customizations that you have applied or need to apply to the NoetixViews schema. Any previously applied customization that is not present in the package will be rolled back during the incremental or full regeneration.
To stage a package
On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, click Manage Packages. The Manage Packages page appears.
In the list of packages, select the check box corresponding to the package that you want to stage, and click the name of the package. The details of the package are displayed in a section under the package list.
Click Stage. The Stage Package '<package name>' dialog box appears. The date and time when the package was last staged and the legacy customizations were last captured are displayed on the dialog box.
IMPORTANT: If the selected package includes views that contain references to custom master keys and does not include revisions of those views containing the master keys, a warning message will be displayed to indicate that Stage 4 or incremental regeneration may fail with errors. You can see the details of the warning by selecting the package on the Manage Packages page.-
If you have recently added or modified any legacy customization scripts directly in the NoetixViews schema folder, and if you have not yet captured them, click Yes, and go to step 5.
If you have no legacy customizations to capture, click No, and go to step 6.
If you have opted to capture legacy customizations in step 4, in the Stage Package '<package name>' dialog box, do one of the following:
Click Capture my new legacy customizations. I'll return and stage later. The Advanced ยป Choose Options page appears. Capture the legacy customizations by comparing the and the .zip files corresponding to the NoetixViews schema folder. For more information, see Capturing or Removing Legacy Customizations in "Manage Legacy Customizations."
If you want to cancel the staging process, click Close to return to the Manage Packages page.
If you have opted not to capture legacy customizations in step 4, in the Stage Package '<package name>' dialog box, do one of the following:
Click Stage '<package name>' to file. Depending on your browser settings, you can save the .zip file associated with the package or locate the downloaded .zip file, and extract the scripts from the .zip file to the NoetixViews schema folder. Then, click Close to return to the Manage Packages page.
If the environment is associated with a target for the Noetix MetaBuilder application, click Stage package to '<target friendly name>'. The .zip file associated with the package will be automatically extracted to the corresponding NoetixViews schema directory through the Noetix Enterprise Manager Link Service. After the staging process is completed, a message appears stating that the package has been staged successfully. Click Close to return to the Manage Packages page.
If you want to cancel the staging process, click Close to return to the Manage Packages page.
NOTE: After the package is staged, header information, such as the name of the package, schema, and environment, and version of Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Database, and Noetix Views (NoetixViews), pertaining to customized views will be available in each customization script and the wnoetxu2.sql and wnoetxu5.sql scripts. In addition, the customization scripts will contain the revision number of the packaged views.
Run Stage 4 or incremental regeneration to apply your customizations to the NoetixViews schema. For information about applying the customizations in the package through the incremental regeneration process, see the Noetix Metabuilder Help. Before you run Stage 4 or incremental regeneration to apply the NoetixViews Workbench customizations, check whether the ScriptGenerationFailure.txt or ScriptGenerationWarning.txt file is available among the scripts that you extracted from the .zip file. The file will contain error messages logged for the views for which the NoetixViews Workbench could not generate scripts. For help, contactinsightsoftwareSupport.
IMPORTANT: When Stage 4 or incremental regeneration is in progress for the NoetixViews schema pertaining to an environment, if you attempt to stage a package containing any views within the environment, an error message will be displayed indicating that staging cannot be run because the Noetix views are currently being updated.