Build Noetix Search Instances
A Noetix Search instance is an index of metadata that is generated from a NoetixViews metadata repository (NOETIX_SYS), Noetix Analytics metadata repository (NOETIXIDS), or RapidDecision metadata repository (RAPIDIDS). The Noetix Search Builder application helps you to index the metadata and generate it into Noetix Search.
To generate a Noetix Search instance
Click Start > All Programs > Noetix Search > Noetix Search Builder. The Noetix Search Builder wizard appears.
Click Next. The General Settings page appears.
You can accept the following default values or change the information according to your business requirements:
Number of kilobytes to index in each batch:1,000, by default. The number of kilobytes to send to Noetix Search Server for indexing in each HTTP POST call. The batch size must be greater than or equal to 1.
Number of retry attempts for failed calls:3, by default. The number of times you would want to retry a failed HTTP connection to Noetix Search Server.
Number of kilobytes to buffer in memory:100,000, by default. The number of kilobytes waiting to be indexed that you would like to cache in buffer.
Number of items per cache segment:1,000, by default. The number of items or entries to cache in each cache segment file. To reduce memory requirements, some data to be indexed is temporarily cached to the local disk. This setting defines the size of each cache segment file. The cache segment size must be greater than or equal to 10.
Use verbose logging:Cleared, by default. If cleared, only common information, error, and warning messages are logged in the log files. If selected, additional information at the fine, finer, and finest granularity levels are also logged. Moreover, information about the query IDs and the time taken for the execution of queries is logged.
Generate API Source Columns:Selected, by default. If selected, Noetix Search Builder will generate API Source Column information when generating a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews. If not selected, the "Tables" and "Table columns" filters will have no content for NoetixViews instances. This option does not apply to Noetix Analytics instances.
Commit after every batch indexed:Cleared, by default. If cleared, Noetix Search Builder will not commit the records to Noetix Search Server after every batch is indexed. This will improve Noetix Search Builder performance, but will not make the records available in Noetix Search as they are indexed during the instance generation process.
Optimize index on completion:Selected, by default. If selected, Noetix Search Builder will automatically optimize the Noetix Search Server index upon completion of various operations. This operation may take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the Noetix Search Server index, but optimizing the index decreases its size and improves its performance.
ClickNext. The page where you can type the URL of your Noetix Search Server installation appears. The URL should be provided in this format: http://<computer_name>:<port_number>/noetixsearch, where<computer_name>is the name of the computer on which Noetix Search is installed and<port_number>is the location through which data is transmitted.
ClickBuild a new
instance, and clickNext.
The page to enter the Noetix Search instance information and Oracle
connection information appears.
Do the following:
Under Search Instance Information, type an alias for the Noetix Search instance. The alias must be unique, begin with an alphanumeric character, and not exceed 60 characters. It can contain white spaces and underscores. The alias provided here appears in the list of available instances when you access Noetix Search after the generation is complete.
UnderOracle Connection, type the schema name, password, and TNS name in the respective boxes. The Oracle Connection information identifies the location of the NOETIX_SYS schema for NoetixViews instances, and the NOETIXIDS schema for Noetix Analytics instances.
Click Next. Do one of the following:
If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews, go to step 10.
If you are generating a Noetix Search instance for Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision, the Document Types page appears. Go to step 9.
Click to clear the check boxes corresponding to the source documentation types for which you do not want to generate information in the Noetix Search instance, and click Next. By default, all the check boxes corresponding to the source documentation types will be selected.
ClickGenerate. The generation process for the Noetix Search instance starts, and the following information is displayed on the page:
In the graphs for the buffered and indexed documents, you can see the progress of the instance generation process.
Indexed Documents: The number of documents successfully indexed into Noetix Search Server for the instance.
Buffered Documents: The number of documents in the buffer waiting to be indexed.
Failed Documents: The number of documents for which indexes could not be created in Noetix Search Server.
Lifetime Buffered: The number of documents buffered during the generation.
Elapsed Time: The total time taken to complete the instance generation. It is displayed in the hh:mm:ss format.
The white box at the end of the page shows the ongoing log of the instance generation process. Information pertaining to the instance generation, error, and warning messages are displayed in this box.
ClickCloseto exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard after the process completes. A message appears asking whether you want to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard. Click YES to exit the Noetix Search Builder wizard.