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Manage Noetix Search Instances at Command Prompt

Noetix Search Builder can be run through the command prompt to facilitate the process of Noetix Search instance generation and maintenance. Using commands, you can generate a Noetix Search instance, regenerate an existing Noetix Search instance, delete a Noetix Search instance, and generate documentation for the modules in a Noetix Search instance for Noetix Analytics or RapidDecision or for roles in a Noetix Search instance for NoetixViews.

Do the following:

  • On a computer running Microsoft Windows, at the command prompt, navigate to the builder folder. By default, the folder is located at <Installation_Folder>\Noetix\Noetix Search\builder. Then, type run --action <an action> <one or more inputs> <one or more flags>,and press ENTER.

  • On a computer running Linux, Solaris, or AIX, at the command prompt, locate the folder where Noetix Search Builder is installed. By default it is /usr/local/noetixsearch/builder. Then, type --action <an action> <one or more inputs> <one or more flags>, and press ENTER.

Some of the parameters, such as -s and --server do not need to be specified at the command prompt if they are stored in the file in the same folder as the run.bat file. If you set the Noetix Search Server URL as the default in the file, you do not need to specify it every time you run a command.

The commands that can be run at the command prompt, their descriptions, and the mandatory and optional parameters that can be used with them are described in the following sections.

Generating Noetix Search Instances

The commands for generating a Noetix Search instance at the command prompt are as follows.




Mandatory Input

--action build

Generates a Noetix Search instance.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-u, --user <user>

<user> represents the user name to connect to the Oracle database.

-p, --pass <password>

<password> represents the password to connect to the Oracle database.

--tns <name>

<name> represents the Oracle TNS name.

Optional Input

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents a friendly name for a Noetix Search instance.  If not specified, the user name will be used as the alias name.

-b, --buffer <size>

<size> represents the amount of memory in KB to use as a buffer. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-c, --cache <size>

<size> represents the number of records per disk cache segment. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-r, --records <size>

<size> represents the target size in KB of each posted batch. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-a, --autocommit

Commits after each batch. If not used, the internal default value is used.

-o, --optimize

Optimizes the index upon completion. (Note: This may take several minutes depending on the size of the index).

-t, --times

Displays the time taken to complete the query execution.


Displays the time taken to complete query collection.

-v, --verbose

Uses verbose logging (implies the --times and --ctimes commands).

--systemid <id>

<id> represents the Noetix Analytics system ID. Mandatory only if generating the instance against a Noetix Analytics repository with multiple systems.


<run> --action build -s http://localhost:9080/noetixsearch --alias NoetixViews Prod -u noetix_sys -p pw --tns ohs

Regenerating Noetix Search Instances

The commands for regenerating a Noetix Search instance at the command prompt are as follows.




Mandatory Input

--action rebuild

Rebuilds the index for an existing Noetix Search instance.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance.

-p, --pass <password>

<password> represents the password to connect to the Oracle database.

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance to be rebuilt as identified by the list action. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance to be rebuilt. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

Optional Input

-b, --buffer <size>

<size> represents the amount of memory in KB to use as a buffer. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-c, --cache <size>

<size> represents the number of records per disk cache segment. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-r, --records <size>

<size> represents the target size in KB of each posted batch. If not specified, the internal default value specified in the file is used.

-a, --autocommit

Commits after each batch. If not used, the internal default value is used.

-o, --optimize

Optimizes the index upon completion. (Note: This may take several minutes depending on the size of the index).

-t, --times

Displays the time taken to complete query execution.


Displays the time taken to complete query collection.

-v, --verbose

Uses verbose logging. (implies the --times and --ctimes commands).


<run> --action rebuild -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch --alias NoetixViews Prod -p pw

run --action rebuild  i 2  p pw

Deleting Noetix Search Instances

The commands for deleting a Noetix Search instance at the command prompt are as follows.




Mandatory Input

--action delete

Deletes an existing Noetix Search instance

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance to be deleted as identified by the list action.  Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance to be deleted. Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

Optional Input




<run> --action delete -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch -i 2

Building Noetix Search Instance Documentation

The commands for building Noetix Search instance documentation at the command prompt are as follows.




Mandatory Input

--action document

Creates PDF documentation for one or more modules or roles in the Noetix Search instance. PDF files are created for NoetixViews roles and Noetix Analytics modules. Both roles and modules are referred to as modules.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the Noetix Search instance for which the documentation is being built, as identified by the list action.  Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance or which the documentation is being built.  Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--module <name>

<name> represents the NoetixViews role or Noetix Analytics module for which documentation is to be built. For multiple modules, type the names in a comma separated list. If all modules are to be documented, type ALL as the module value. Use the listmod option to see the exact names of the modules in an instance. Note that module names are case sensitive.

--folder <name>

<name> represents the path of the folder where documentation files will be written. A subfolder named after the instance alias will be created in this folder and all PDF files will be stored in the subfolder.

Optional Input




<run> --action document --alias NoetixViews Prod --module ALL --folder c:\temp

Listing Instances

The commands for listing Noetix Search instances at the command prompt are as follows.




Mandatory Input

--action list

Lists all Noetix Search instances. The number returned with the instance can be used with -i in other commands.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance

Optional Input




<run> --action list -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch

Listing Modules




Mandatory Input

--action listmod

Lists all the modules in an instance. Used prior to the document action so that the module names can be entered correctly.

-s, --server <url>

<url> represents the URL for the Noetix Search Server instance

-i, --instance <num>

<num> represents the number indicating the NOetix Search instance as identified by the list action.  Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

--alias <alias>

<alias> represents the alias associated with the Noetix Search instance.  Either the instance or the alias must be provided.

Optional Input




<run> --action listmod -s http://localhost:81/noetixsearch --alias NoetixViews Prod

Printing Usage Text




Mandatory Input

<run> -h

Prints the usage text. Usage text is the help text that explains the commands with examples of how to run them at the command prompt.

-h, help


Optional Input




<run> -h

Printing Version Information




Mandatory Input

<run> --version

Prints the version of Noetix Search Builder



Optional Input




<run> --version

Using Flags

In the file, if you have set any or all of the flag inputs that are listed in the following table, you do not need to specify them again while running a command. The flags, their purpose, and the actions they can be used with are specified as follows.



Use with

-a, --autocommit

Indicates that a commit should be done after every batch is indexed

Build, Rebuild

-o, --optimize

Optimize the index on completion

Build, Rebuild

-t, --times

Show query execution times on completion

Build, Rebuild


Show collection query times on completion

Build, Rebuild

-v, --verbose

Use verbose logging. (When you use this flag, the -t, --times and --ctimes flags will be used automatically)

All actions

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