Create a Noetix Query User Account
Creating a Noetix query user involves one of the following tasks:
Granting an existing database user, Oracle E-Business Suite user, or Oracle E-Business Suite responsibility access to data in Noetix views.
Creating a database user and granting access to Noetix views.
Depending on the user type, Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator) provides an option to select and add a list of current database user names, Oracle E-Business Suite user names, or Oracle E-Business Suite responsibilities.
You can add Noetix query users using the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box in NoetixViews Administrator. To add Noetix query users using an existing database user, Oracle E-Business Suite user, or Oracle E-Business Suite responsibility, you can use either the Add Users Properties dialog box or Define New Noetix Query User Wizard. However, if you want to create a database user before adding it as a Noetix query user, you have to use Define New Noetix Query User Wizard.
create a Noetix query user using Add User Properties
On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click
on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears. The Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box displays the names and types of the users who have been added as Noetix query users. By default, you can see the Noetix System Administration User (Type N) and Oracle Administrative Database User (Type O). The dates on which the Noetix query user accounts were created and would expire may be also indicated based on the type of users added. For Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type Noetix query users, the start and end dates correspond to the start and end dates of the respective Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities. For more information on users and roles, see About Noetix Query Users and Roles.
The Noetix Query User Maintenance tab also indicates whether views are optimized for query tools or synonyms for the views are created for the selected users.
On the NoetixQuery User Maintenance tab, click Add. The Add UsersProperties dialog box appears. The tabs available on the Add Users Properties dialog box depends on the NoetixViews modules available in your configuration.
On the General tab, select a user type from the User Type list. The options available are Database User, Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User, and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility.
Click Add. If the user type selected is Database User (Type U) or Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), the Add Users dialog box appears. If the user type selected is Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R), the Add Responsibilities dialog box appears.
NOTE: For the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type, only those users who have one or more responsibilities assigned to them in Oracle E-Business Suite are listed in the Add Users dialog box.
In the Add Users or Add Responsibilities dialog box, specify filters in the Name filter box. If the user type is Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), select a responsibility in the Responsibility filter list.
Click Search. If the list of available users or responsibilities takes a long time to load, click Cancel search, and repeat the search with better filter criteria.
From the User Name or Responsibility Name list, select the required user names or responsibilities by selecting the check boxes corresponding to the user names or responsibilities. If you want to select all user names or responsibilities, click Select All. If you want to cancel the selection of users, click Deselect All. The number of users or responsibilities selected is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
Click OK to add the users and return to the General tab. The selected users or responsibilities are displayed in the Names list. Also, the number of users or responsibilities selected is displayed in a text beneath the Names list. If you want to remove a user, select the user and then click Delete. To select multiple users, press CTRL, and click the users.
Important: IMPORTANT: If the names of database users selected for adding as Noetix query users contain lower-case or mixed-case letters and special characters that are not supported by Oracle Database, the names should be provided within double quotation marks when the corresponding users log on to Oracle Discoverer Desktop.
In the Language list, click a language used by NoetixViews. If you select <Default Noetix Language Processing>, the language associated with the current environment will be set as the default language for this Noetix query user. If that language is not defined in Oracle E-Business Suite, the language that was chosen during Stage 4 of the generation process will be set as the default language.
(Optional) Select the Create Query Tool Optimizing Views check box, which is available only for Database User (Type U) type users (See About Noetix Query Users and Roles). Selecting this check box at the time of creating a Database User type Noetix query user account enhances the performance of reporting tools (for example, Noetix Platform, Microsoft Access, or Crystal Reports) that query directly from the database rather than their own meta-layers.
NOTE: Reporting tools (for example, Oracle Discoverer’s End User Layer (EUL), SAP BusinessObjects’ Universe, or IBM Cognos' Catalog) that access their own meta-layers do not benefit from this option. Therefore, do not select this check box while using any reporting tool that accesses its own meta-layer.
If the user type selected is Database User (Type U), make sure that the Create Synonyms check box is selected. This option creates synonyms for views corresponding to each role granted to the Noetix query users. This check box should always be selected unless you specifically request that synonyms not be created. The Create Synonyms check box is available only for Database User (Type U) type users. If you click OK on this tab without navigating to the Roles tab and assigning roles to the user, a confirmation message appears prompting you whether to create Noetix query user accounts without assigning any roles to them. Click Yes if you want to proceed. Click No if you want to assign roles and row-level security to the selected users or responsibilities.
NOTE: Do not select the Create Query Tool Optimizing Views and Create Synonyms check boxes if the Noetix query users of the Database User type also own Oracle E-Business Suite tables. If you do so, you may encounter problems while assigning Noetix roles to the users.
Assign the required roles to the selected users. For more information, see Grant a Role.
Optionally, use one or more of the following options to customize the security settings for the selected users on the applications corresponding to the roles assigned to them:
To define custom security for Noetix query users based on the security profiles and business groups in Oracle Human Resources and control their access to global Noetix views for Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Oracle Payroll, and Oracle Time and Labor, see Manage Access to Data Based on Business Groups.
To define custom security for Noetix query users based on the ledgers for Oracle Assets, Oracle General Ledger, and Oracle U.S. Federal Financials, see Manage Access to Data Based on Ledgers.
To define custom security for Noetix query users based on the operating units for Oracle Install Base, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Payables, Oracle Projects, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Receivables, and Oracle Service Contracts, see Manage Access to Data Based on Operating Units.
To define custom security for Noetix query users based on the inventory organizations for Oracle Bills of Material, Oracle Cost Management, Oracle Enterprise Asset Management, Oracle Inventory, Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP, Oracle Quality, and Oracle Work in Process, see Manage Access to Data Based on Inventory Organizations.
To define custom security for Noetix query users based on the service requests for Oracle Depot Repair, Oracle Field Service, and Oracle Service, see Manage Access to Data Based on Service Requests.
To add security rules and define access to data in Noetix views for Oracle General Ledger for Noetix query users, see Manage Access to Accounting Data Based on Flexfield Security Rules.
Click OK on the Add Users Properties dialog box. You return to the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab. The Noetix query user accounts created corresponding to the selected users or responsibilities are displayed in the Noetix Query Users list.
(Optional) For Noetix query users of the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated (Type A) type, configure the default flexfield security rules settings for the selected users to be created as Noetix query users or for both the selected users and the existing Noetix query users. For more information, see Configure Default Flexfield Security Rules Settings in Manage Access to Data Based on Flexfield Security Rules.
Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.
NOTE: The Regenerate synonym scripts check box on the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box allows you to regenerate the synonym scripts that are used for creating synonyms for Noetix query users of the Database User (Type U) type. By default, this check box is selected. Keep this check box selected if you are working in multiple environments (for example, generating views in a UNIX environment and maintaining query users in a Microsoft Windows environment).
To create a Noetix query user using
Add Wizard
On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click
on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears. The Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box displays the names and types of the users who have been added as Noetix query users. By default, you can see the Noetix System Administration User (Type N) and Oracle Administrative Database User (Type O). The dates on which the Noetix query user accounts were created and would expire may also be indicated based the type of users added. For Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type Noetix query users, the start and end dates correspond to the start and end dates of the respective Oracle E-Business Suite users and responsibilities. The Noetix Query User Maintenance tab also indicates whether views are optimized for query tools or synonyms for the views are created for the selected users.
On the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab, click Add Wizard. The Define New Noetix Query User Wizard appears.
On the Start page, click Next to start the wizard. The User Creation Options page appears.
Click Create New User Account to create a database user, and then add the database user as a Noetix query user of Database User type (Type U). You will need DBA privileges to create this account. Click Next to continue.
Click Select Existing User Account if the Noetix query user is to be set up for an existing database user, Oracle E-Business Suite user, or Oracle E-Business Suite responsibility. In this case, the user has already been created and needs to be added as a Noetix query user of the Database User (Type U) type, Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type, or Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R) type. Fpr more information on users and roles, see About Noetix Query Users and Roles.
Click Next, and proceed to step 7 to select the user.
If you have clicked theCreate New User Accountoption in step 4, theDBA Accountpage appears and prompts you to type the name and password of a user with DBA privileges. Provide the information, and clickNext.
NOTE: The user must exist on the same instance as your Noetix System Administration User account; therefore, the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) name is already filled in for you.On the Create User page, provide the user name and password of the database user that you want to create. A dialog box prompts you to confirm the new password. After providing the user name and password, choose a default and temporary tablespace for this database user schema. Click Next. After the database user is successfully created, the User Options page appears. Proceed to step 8.
IMPORTANT: The user name must start with a letter and can contain only the letters A to Z. The user name cannot contain double quotation marks (") or single quotation marks (') and cannot exceed 30 bytes. Diacritical marks and characters for Western European languages can also be typed.
If you have clicked the Select Existing User Account option in step 4, the Choose Users or Responsibilities page appears. This page allows you to select a user type and select existing users corresponding to the user type that should be added as Noetix query users. To select a user type and users corresponding to the selected user type, follow these steps:
In the User Type list, click a user type. The options available are Database User, Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User, and Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility.
Click Add. If the user type selected is Database User (Type U) or Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), the Add Users dialog box appears. If the user type selected is Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated Responsibility (Type R), the Add Responsibilities dialog box appears.
NOTE: For Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type users, the list of users displays only those users who have one or more responsibilities assigned to them in Oracle E-Business Suite.
In the Add Users or Add Responsibilities dialog box, specify filters in the Name filter box. If the user type is Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A), select a responsibility in the Responsibility filter list.
Click Search. If the list of available users or responsibilities takes a long time to load, click Cancel search, and repeat the search with better filter criteria.
From the User Name or Responsibility Name list, select the required user names or responsibilities by selecting the check boxes corresponding to the user names or responsibilities. If you want to select all user names or responsibilities, click Select All. If you want to cancel the selection of users, click Deselect All. The number of users or responsibilities selected is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
IMPORTANT: If the names of database users selected for adding as Noetix query users contain lower-case or mixed-case letters and special characters that are not supported by Oracle Database, the names should be provided within double quotation marks when the corresponding users log on to Oracle Discoverer Desktop.
Click Next. The User Options page appears.
The User Options page allows you to specify the following settings:
In the Language list, click the language used by NoetixViews. If you select <Default Noetix Language Processing>, the language associated with the current environment will be set as the default language for this Noetix query user. If that language is not defined in Oracle E-Business Suite, the language that was chosen during Stage 4 of the generation process will be set as the default language.
Select the Create Query Tool Optimizing Views check box, which is available only for Database User (Type U) type users (see About Noetix Query Users and Roles). Selecting this check box at the time of creating a Database User type user enhances the performance of reporting tools (for example, Noetix Platform, Microsoft Access, or Crystal Reports) that query directly from the database rather than their own meta-layers.
NOTE: Reporting tools (for example, Oracle Discoverer’s End User Layer (EUL), SAP BusinessObjects’ Universe, or IBM Cognos' Catalog) that access their own meta-layers do not benefit from this option. Therefore, do not select this check box while using any reporting tool that accesses its own meta-layer.
Select the Create Synonyms check box to create synonyms for views that are granted to this Noetix query user. This automatically creates synonyms for each role granted to this Noetix query user. This check box should always be selected unless you specifically request that synonyms not be created. The Create Synonyms check box is available only for Database User (Type U) type users.
NOTE: Do not select the Create Query Tool Optimizing Views and Create Synonyms check boxes if the Noetix query users of the Database User type also own Oracle E-Business Suite tables. If you do so, you may encounter problems while assigning Noetix roles to the users.
Click Next. The Choose Security Pages page appears.
The Choose Security Pages page allows you to define custom security settings to the selected users or responsibilities who are to be added as Noetix query users. The following settings are available in this page:
Click Accept the default settings and go to the Roles page if you want to apply the default custom security settings to the selected users or responsibilities and go to the Roles page.
Click Choose pages to view if you want to define the custom security settings for the selected users or responsibilities. After selecting this option, in the list, select the check boxes corresponding to the custom security configuration pages that you want to display in the wizard. The list also displays the default security that is configured for each custom security page based on the query user type corresponding to the selected users or responsibilities. The options available are Business Group, Ledger/set of books,Operating Unit, Inventory Organization, Service Request, and Security Rules. The options displayed will vary depending on the NoetixViews modules available in your NoetixViews configuration.
Click Next. If the first option is selected, the Roles page appears. If the second option is selected, the pages appear in the wizard according to the check boxes selected. For more information about how to define security settings for users or responsibilities, see step 9 in the procedure for creating Noetix query user accounts using the Add User Properties dialog box in "Creating a Noetix Query User Account".
When the Roles page appears, assign the required roles to the selected users or responsibilities. Fore more information about assigning roles, see Grant a Role.
Click Next. The Finish page appears.
Click Finish. You return to the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab. The Noetix query user accounts created corresponding to the selected users or responsibilities are displayed in the Noetix Query Users list.
(Optional) For Noetix query users of the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated (Type A) type, configure the default flexfield security rules settings for the selected users to be created as Noetix query users or for both the selected users and the existing Noetix query users. For more information, see Configure Default Flexfield Security Rules Settings in Manage Access to Accounting Data Based on Flexfield Security Rules.
Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.
NOTE: The Regenerate synonym scripts check box on the Noetix Query User Maintenance tab of the Security Manager dialog box allows you to regenerate the synonym scripts that are used for creating synonyms for Noetix query users of the Database User (Type U) type. By default, this check box is selected. Keep this check box selected if you are working in multiple environments (for example, generating views in a UNIX environment and maintaining query users in a Microsoft Windows environment).