Managing BI Tools
Before you register a BI tool user, you need to add BI tools using the Manage BI Tools dialog box. You can also use this dialog box to modify the settings of BI tools or to remove BI tools. This section explains how to add, modify, and remove BI tools.
On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click
on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears.
Click the BI Tool User Registration tab.
Click Manage BI Tools. The Manage BI Tools dialog box appears.
The BI Tools list in the Manage BI Tools dialog box displays the list of available BI tools. The following columns are available in this list:Friendly Name: Indicates the name specified for the BI tool.
Type: Indicates the BI tool type.
BI Tool URL: Indicates the URL of the server where the BI tool services are running.
LDAP Directory: Indicates the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory name or IP address.
NOTE: You need to scroll to the right to see all the information in a row. The width of columns in the list can be adjusted to see more if required. Select the line between columns in the header, and drag it to the required position. Also, you can click a column title to sort the BI tools by the entity represented by the column.
In the Manage BI Tools dialog box, click Add. The Add BI Tool dialog box appears.
Do the following:
In the Friendly Name box, enter a name for the BI tool. This name is used during the BI tool user registration process.
In the Product Name list, click the BI tool type. The options are BusinessObjects, Cognos, and Oracle Business Intelligence.
In the BI Tool URL box, enter the URL of the server where the BI tool services are running. The label of this box changes to Server Name when the selected BI tool in the Product Name list is BusinessObjects. For BusinessObjects, you can enter a port number in this box.
Additionally, you may select the Validate LDAP directoryusers check box if the BI tool uses LDAP directory for user authentication.
NOTE: To validate user or browse the LDAP directory, the Noetix System Administration User must be a member of the LDAP directory and should have logged on to Windows using domain credentials. If validation process for the LDAP directory name or IP address specified is not successful, the Noetix System Administration User can override the validation process when registering a BI tool user used in the BI tool for which the LDAP directory validation is performed. LDAP directory validation may fail even after providing the correct value in the event of a temporary network connectivity issue. In this event, the Noetix System Administration User should verify with the network administrator that the value specified for LDAP directory is correct.
To use a LDAP directory, after you select the Validate LDAP directory users check box, do the following:
In the LDAP directory box, enter the name or IP address of the LDAP directory where the users are located. BI tool user names entered in the BI Tool User Registration tab will be validated against directory entered here.
NOTE: You may have to include the port number also if you are not using the default port number for the LDAP directory.
In the Search Container box, enter the name of the container within the LDAP directory, or click Browse to select a container.
NOTE: If you do not specify a container and the LDAP directory specified has many users, the validation process may take a long time.
Click OK. You will return to the Manage BI Tools dialog box after the changes are saved. The newly added BI tool is listed in the BI Tools list.
Click OK. You will return to the BI Tool User Registration tab.
Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.
modify the settings of BI tools
On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click
on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears.
Click the BI Tool User Registration tab.
Click Manage BI Tools. The Manage BI Tools dialog box appears.
In the BI Tools list, select the BI tool that you want to edit, and then click Edit. The Edit BI Tool dialog box appears.
After you modify the details of the selected BI tool, click OK. You will return to the Manage BI Tools dialog box after the changes are saved.
Click OK. You will return to the BI Tool User Registration tab.
Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.
On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click
on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears.
Click the BI Tool User Registration tab.
Click Manage BI Tools. The Manage BI Tools dialog box appears.
In the BI Tools list, click to select the check box corresponding to the BI tool that you want to remove, and then click Remove. If the BI tool that you want to remove has registered BI tool users, a dialog box prompts you to confirm whether you want to unregister the users and remove the BI tool. Otherwise, a dialog box prompts you to confirm whether you want to remove the BI tool.
NOTE: You can select more than one BI tool by selecting the corresponding check boxes. Also, you can select the Select/Deselect All check box to select all the BI tools or clear the Select/Deselect All check box to clear the selection of all BI tools.Click Yes. You will return to the Manage BI Tools dialog box after the changes are saved.
NOTE: If you remove a BI tool that has registered BI tool users on the BI Tool User Registration tab, the BI tool users associated with the BI tool will also be removed.
Click OK. You will return to the BI Tool User Registration tab.
Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.