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Create Copies of Packages

The feature to copy a package provided in the NoetixViews Workbench can be used if you want to create a custom package based on a source package without modifying the source package. However, you cannot use the feature to create a copy of the legacy package.

To create copy of a package

  1. On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, click Manage Packages. The Manage Packages page appears, and the custom packages are displayed in a list along with the legacy package. The list has the following columns:

    • Name: Indicates the name of the custom package.

    • Description: Indicates the description of the custom package.

    • Updated date: Indicates the date and time on which the custom package was created or last modified.

    • Updated by: Indicates the name of the user who created or last modified the custom package.

  2. Select the check box adjacent to the package for which you want to create a copy.

  3. Click Save As. The Save Package As dialog box appears.

  4. In theNamebox, type a name for the package that you want to copy.

    IMPORTANT:The name of the package must be unique within a selected environment. Also, the name must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, periods, and dashes and must not exceed 30 characters.

  5. In theDescriptionbox, type a description, which can contain a maximum of 1,000 characters.

  6. ClickOKto save the changes and return to theManage Packagespage.

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