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Add Tables, Views

The tables or views that are available for selection are grouped based on the standard or custom Oracle E-Business Suite applications that you have configured in the Oracle E-Business Suite instance. After you add tables or views, you need to configure the properties for them.

To add a table or view

  1. On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, clickModify a View. TheModify Viewpage appears.

  2. Select a view, and then click Modify. For information, see Select a View. The Modify View » <view label> page appears.

  3. Under Tables, click Add, modify & suppress tables, and then click Next. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress tables page appears.

  4. Select the query to which a table or view must be added.

  5. Click Add table or view. The Add table or view dialog box appears.

  6. In the Select an application list, select an application label. By default, the NoetixViews application corresponding to the NoetixViews schema is selected. The available tables, views, and base views are displayed in a list. The list has the following columns:

    IMPORTANT: The list will display labels for custom applications only if they have been registered with the Applications Object Library. For information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite documentation.

    • Name: Indicates the name of the table, view, or base view.

      NOTE: If you want to sort the list by the name of the tables or views, click the column label.

    • Schema: Indicates the name of the schema that contains the table, view, or base view.

    • Type: Indicates whether the object displayed in the list is a table, view, or base view.

  7. Select one or more of the following check boxes depending on the requirement:

    • Show tables: Lists the tables available in the selected application.

      IMPORTANT: Custom application tables will be available only if they have been created and registered with the AD DD PL/SQL package. For information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite documentation.

    • Show views: Lists the views available in the selected application.

      NOTE: The Oracle views created for standard or custom Oracle E-Business Suite applications are not supported by the NoetixViews Workbench.

    • Show base views: Lists the base views that belong to the same Oracle E-Business Suite application as the view being modified. This check box is available if NoetixViews is selected in the Select an application list.

  8. If you want to filter the list of displayed tables, views, and base views on the basis of a name, in the Filter by name box, type the name.

  9. Click the table, view, or base view name that you want to add to the selected query in the view, and click OK. The selected table or view is added to the list of tables in the query.

  10. IMPORTANT: If you select a table with a profile option, the subsequent generation of the view will fail if the profile condition is not met.

  11. If you want to change the position of a table or view in the list, click Move up or Move down.

  12. In the Table alias box, enter an alias for the table or view. The alias is used to specify column conditions in the WHERE clause or to specify the list of columns in the select statement of the query that needs to be returned by the view.

    IMPORTANT: The table alias must be unique within a query. The table alias cannot be left blank, must start with a letter, and can contain a maximum of five alphanumeric characters.

  13. Under Table alias, in the list, click This table is used in the main query or This table is used in a subquery. If you have selected the This table is used in a subquery option or you are adding a table or view to a list of values (LoV) view, go to step 15.

  14. If you have selected the This table is used in the main query option in the previous step, perform the following:

    • If you want to define the table or view as a base table, select the This is a base table check box. A base table is the core table for a view. This table could be a Noetix base view or an Oracle table.

    • If you want to automatically generate search-by (A$) columns that are based on the indexed columns in the table or view, select the Add Search-By column based on table to this view check box.

  15. To specify the starting and ending versions of the Oracle E-Business Suite application that is applicable to the table, under Product version, perform the following steps:

    1. In the Starting version list, select the appropriate product version. By default, the value is set to "All". The available values are "All", "11.5", "12.0", and "12.1".

    2. In the Ending version list, select the appropriate product version. By default, the value is set to "All". The available values are "All", "11.5", "12.0", and "12.1".

  16. If you want to add another table or view, repeat steps 5 through 14.

  17. If you want to delete the table or view that you have added, under Tables and views in this query, select the object, and click Delete.

    NOTE: After saving customizations to the view, you cannot remove the table or view that you have added to the query.

  18. If you want to add another table or view to another query, repeat steps 4 through 16.

  19. In the Customization comments box, provide a summary of the customizations that you have performed. The customization comments can contain a maximum of 200 characters.

  20. Click Next. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress where clauses page appears.

    IMPORTANT: If you do not click Next, the table or view will not be added to the query.

  21. Add or modify the WHERE clause settings. For information about managing WHERE clauses, see Manage WHERE Clauses.

  22. Click Save. The customizations are saved, and the Modify View» <view label> page appears.

Now, you can choose to perform any other customizations on the same view or go to the home page.

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