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Stage 1: Create Noetix System Administration User Account Wizard

Stage 1 of generation creates a user account in the database that is used for generating and administering Noetix views. This new account, NOETIX SYS by default, is granted the following privileges:

  • Connect

  • Resource

  • SELECT ANY TABLE (if you choose)

  • SELECT ANY DICTIONARY (if you choose)

  • Create Role



IMPORTANT: If the Oracle Database version is, you must grant the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges with the admin option to the SYSTEM user before you begin Stage 1. You do not need to perform this task if the privileges are already granted to the SYSTEM user.  

To begin Stage 1 of the generation process

  1. Open the Noetix Views Administrator (NoetixViews Administrator) application. By default, the .exe file, NvAdm.exe, for NoetixViews Administrator is located in <hard disk drive>:\Program Files\Noetix Corporation\NoetixViews. Double-click NvAdm.exe to open NoetixViews Administrator. The Welcome to the NoetixViews Administrator dialog box appears.

  2. Click Create a new Noetix System Administration User Account. The welcome page of Stage 1 wizard is displayed. The Stage 1 wizard performs all the tasks necessary to create a Noetix System Administration User account. This account owns all the tables and procedures used during the generation process and also the resulting views.

    NOTE: To connect to this wizard from the main window of NoetixViews Administrator, click the button labeled 1 on the toolbar.

Click Next. The next page of the wizard appears.

  1. On this page, provide the details of a database user with DBA privileges. This user is used for creating and setting up the Noetix System Administrator User account. This information should have been gathered during the pre-generation tasks. Provide the user name, user password, and the database instance name in the respective boxes.

    Click Next. The next page of the wizard appears.

  2. On this page, provide the user credentials for the Noetix System Administration User account. Choose a meaningful name that identifies the user account specifically for NoetixViews. The default user name is NOETIX SYS.

    IMPORTANT: The following validation rules are applicable for user names and passwords:

    • User name: The user name must start with a letter and can contain only the letters A to Z, digits 0 to 9, and underscore ( ). The user name cannot exceed 30 bytes and cannot contain quotation marks (") or single quotation marks ('). Diacritical marks and characters for Western European languages can also be typed.

    • Password: The password cannot contain white spaces and the at sign (@), ampersand (&), slash mark (/), backslash (\), quotation marks ("), and single quotation marks (') special characters.

    Click Next. The next page of the wizard appears.

  3. On this page, mention whether to permanently grant the SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges to the Noetix System Administration User account. These privileges are granted to allow the database user access to a number of database tables or to delete unused synonyms for a user. If you do not permanently grant these privileges, you will need to log on to the database with the required privileges each time you delete a role or query user. To grant these privileges (recommended), click Yes. To deny these privileges, click No.

    NOTE: The SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege is applicable only to Oracle Server 9i and later.

    Click Next. The next page of the wizard appears.

  4. On this page, provide the details of the tablespace storage locations for the objects owned by the Noetix System Administration User account. From the Default Tablespace list, select the name of the main tablespace. From the Temporary Tablespace list, select the name of the temporary tablespace.

    NOTE: The size next to the tablespace name indicates the amount of space available in each tablespace but is not guaranteeing that enough space is available to complete the generation. This is manually confirmed during the pre-generation steps. Your temporary tablespace will display as having 0 MB free, regardless of how much tablespace you actually have available.

    Click Next. The next page of the wizard appears.

  5. On this page, specify a path for the base installation directory. To change the location of the default path for the base installation directory, click the open folder icon located to the right of the Base Directory box. Using the Browse for Folder dialog box, specify the directory location.

    Click Next. The next page of the wizard appears.

  6. On this page, specify whether you want to go to Stage 2 of the generation process after Stage 1 is completed. Depending on the requirement, click Yes (recommended) or No. Click Finish. A confirmation message is displayed when Stage 1 is completed.

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