Generate Noetix Help File
The Noetix Help File helps you in searching
information pertaining to a specific view or column. It helps you to easily
locate a NoetixViews topic (for example, role, view, column, or query
construction) within the help file.
The Noetix Help File is generated for
each distinct Noetix System Administration User account and a set of Noetix
views. To facilitate report creation by the functional users who do not
have technical knowledge about the complicated Oracle table structures,
the help file represents the complex Oracle table names and column names
with common user terminology.
You may generate any, all, or none of
the following formats:
Microsoft WinHelp
After the Noetix
Help File is generated in the Microsoft WinHelp format, the noetix.hlp file
is located in the <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\MsHelp directory,
the location where you installed Noetix Views Administrator
(NoetixViews Administrator) and ACCOUNT TNS
is the name of the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS)
+ + the TNS Name of the database instance on which the user resides.
For example, C:\Program Files\Noetix
Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\MsHelp.
The noetix.hlp
file should be moved to a shared server drive, and a shortcut to the
file must be created on the desktop of each Noetix query user’s computer.
HTML Help Format
After the Noetix
Help File is generated in the HTML Help format, the HTML files are
located in the <BASE INSTALL DIR>\<ACCOUNT TNS>\htmlhelp\help directory,
the location where you installed Noetix Views Administrator
(NoetixViews Administrator) and ACCOUNT TNS
is the name of the Noetix System Administration User (usually NOETIX SYS)
+ + the TNS Name of the database instance on which the user resides.
For example, C:\Program Files\Noetix
Corporation\NoetixViews\Installs\NOETIX SYS dev.seattle\htmlhelp.
Point your browser
to noetix.htm
within this directory to view the HTML Help. These HTML files will
need to be published on a Web server and users must be notified of
this location.
Query Tool Format
(Database Comments)
After the Noetix
Help File is generated in the Query Tool Help format, the following
views are generated in the schema:
You can retrieve
help information for the Noetix views with your query tool. This help
format can be obtained in two ways. The first uses a built-in feature
of the query tool while the other method involves querying a help
view. This process works well especially with query tools that allow
you to see two queries at a time.
NOTE: You will need to regenerate your existing Noetix
Help File when you regenerate Noetix views or repeat a generation stage
to ensure all information is accurate for end users.