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Managing BI Tool Users

After you create a BI tool, you can register a user used in the new BI tool and link the user to a Noetix query user of the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type (See About Noetix Query Users and Roles) using the BI Tool User Registration tab. If you remove the Noetix query user linked to a registered BI tool user, the BI tool user will become invalid and cannot be used. If you want to continue using the BI tool user, you must link the user to a Noetix query user and assign a responsibility.

This section explains how to register BI tool users, modify the settings of registered BI tool users, and remove registered BI tool users.

ClosedTo register BI tool users

  1. On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears.

  2. Click the BI Tool User Registration tab.

    The Registered BI Tool Users list displays the list of registered BI tool users. You can list the registered BI tool users for a specific BI tool or for all BI tools by selecting All BI Tools or the BI tool from the Filter by BI Tool list.

    The following columns are available in the list:

    • BI Tool User Name: Indicates the name of the registered BI tool user.

    • BI Tool: Indicates the BI tool used by the registered BI tool user.

    • Oracle EBS Query User: Indicates the name of the Noetix query user linked to the BI tool user.

    • Responsibility: Indicates the responsibility associated with the Noetix query user.

    • End Date: Indicates the end date for the BI tool user registration.

NOTE: You need to scroll to the right to see all the information in a row. The width of columns in the list can be adjusted to see more if required. Select the line between columns in the header, and drag it to the required position. Also, you can click a column title to sort the BI tools by the entity represented by the column.

  1. Click Register. The Register BI Tool User dialog box appears.

  2. Do the following:

    1. In the User Name box, enter the name of the BI tool user.

    2. In the BI Tool list, click the appropriate BI tool for the BI tool user you have specified.

    3. In the EBS-Authenticated Query User list, click the Noetix query user whom you want to link to the BI tool user.

    4. In the Default Responsibility list, click a responsibility for the Noetix query user you have selected.

    5. (Optional.) To specify an end date for the BI tool user registration, click the check box corresponding to the End Date field, then select a date.

NOTE: If you want to add more than one user, select the Register another user check box.

  1. Click OK. A message appears stating that the BI tool user registration was successful. If the BI tool user is from a BI tool for which you have specified LDAP validation, the validation is performed when you click OK. If the user cannot be validated, you may choose to add it anyway.

  2. Click OK. You will return to the BI Tool User Registration tab after the changes are saved and if the Register another user check box is not selected. The newly registered BI tool user is listed in the Registered BI Tool Users list.

  1. Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.

ClosedTo modify the settings of registered BI tool users

  1. On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears.

  2. Click the BI Tool User Registration tab.

  3. In the Registered BI Tool Users list, select a registered BI tool user, and then click Edit. The Edit Registration dialog box appears. If you remove the Noetix query user of the Oracle E-Business Suite Authenticated User (Type A) type linked to the registered BI tool user, the Oracle EBS Query User and Responsibility columns will be blank.

  4. After you modify the details of the selected BI tool user, click OK. You will return to the BI Tool User Registration tab after the changes are saved.

  5. Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.

ClosedTo remove registered BI tool users

  1. On the Tools menu, click Security Manager. Alternatively, click on the toolbar. The Security Manager dialog box appears.

  2. Click the BI Tool User Registration tab.

  3. In the Registered BI Tool Users list, select the check box corresponding to the BI tool user that you want to remove, and then click Unregister. A dialog box prompts you to confirm whether you want to remove the registered BI tool user.

NOTE: You can select more than one BI tool user by selecting the corresponding check boxes. Also, you can select the Select/Deselect All check box to select all the BI tool users or clear the Select/Deselect All check box to clear the selection of all the BI tool users.

  1. Click Yes. You will return to the BI Tool User Registration tab.

  2. Click OK on the Security Manager dialog box to save the changes to the database.



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