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Stage 1: Check Code Compliance

In Stage 1 of the Add View wizard, you can select a source view or view code and check the code compliance of the view before it is being added to the NoetixViews Workbench. As part of Stage 1, the view or the SQL statement will be verified for its technical correctness, the Noetix SQL code standards, and the SQL code specifications for Noetix metadata. An option to specify a view type for the view that is to be added is also available in Stage 1.

Important: This stage consists of many pages. After you make changes in one page, if you do not proceed to the next page or to the next section, the changes made in the page will not be saved. Also, if you close the Add View wizard before creating the view and start the wizard again, you will be directly pointed to the next page or section after the last saved point in the wizard.

To check code compliance

  1. On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, click Add a View. The Add View » Choose Source page of the Add View wizard appears.

Important: You can add a view to the NoetixViews Workbench only after capturing the legacy customizations of the NoetixViews schema corresponding to the selected environment in the NoetixViews Workbench. If you have not yet captured the legacy customizations, you will receive a message indicating that the legacy customizations in the selected environment are not captured.

  1. Before you proceed, make sure that the SQL statement corresponding to the view that is to be added is complete and tested. The SQL statement must also satisfy the SQL code standards in NoetixViews Workbench.

  1. On the Add View » Choose Source page, do one of the following:

    • If the source view is available in the NoetixViews schema corresponding to the environment, click '<schema name>' in '<database instance>'. Go to step 5.

    • If you want to use a .sql script, clickA text file. After you click this option, do the following:

      1. In the box provided, type the path to the .sql file. If want to browse and select the .

      2. Click Upload. A message will be displayed next to the box indicating that the file has been successfully saved to the server.

      3. Click Next. The Add View » SQL Code for View page appears. Go to step 7.

    • If you were adding a view and exit the Add View wizard after passing any one of the stages of the wizard, click A view I was adding earlier, and click Next. The Add View » Select a View page appears.

NOTE: Only those views that have passed the Finalize View Label page of the wizard appear on the page. Views that have completed all the stages of the wizard do not appear on the page.

  1. If the A view I was adding earlier option is selected, do the following:

    NOTE: You can delete a view only after you complete all the stages of the Add View wizard for the view. After you add a view, you can use theUnmanageoption on theModify Viewpage to delete it from the NoetixViews Workbench.

    1. In the list of views displayed, click the view that you want to select. The following columns are available in the list:

      • View name: Indicates the name of the view.

      • Wizard page: Indicates at what stage of the wizard the view is.

      • Updated by: Indicates the name of the person who last modified the view.

      • Updated date: Indicates the date and time when the view was last updated.

NOTE: If you want to search the views based on the name of a view, wizard page, or the user who last updated the view, use the boxes available in the View name, Wizard page, or Updated by columns to specify the values. If you want to sort the list by a column, click the column label.

    1. Click Next. The page corresponding to the next stage of the Add View wizard appears. For information about the stages, see Introduction to Adding a View.

  1. Click Next. The Add View » Select a View page appears with a list of custom views added to the NoetixViews schema.

  1. Do the following:

    1. In the list of views displayed, click the view that you want to select.

      NOTE: If you want to sort the list by theView namecolumn, click the column label. You can use the View name box to filter the list based on the name of the view.

    2. Click Next. The Add View » SQL Code for View page appears.

  1. Verify that the SQL statement corresponding to the view is correct. If the SQL statement is not correct, or if the selected view was wrong, click Back, and select the correct view or .sql file.

NOTE: Any comments in the SQL code of the view will not be imported by the NoetixViews Workbench. Consequently, the Add View » SQL Code for Viewpage does not display the comments in the SQL code.

  1. Click Next. The Add View » Compliance Results page appears. The information displayed on the page indicates whether the view satisfies the Noetix SQL code specifications. If the SQL code corresponding to the view does not satisfy the Noetix SQL code specifications, details of the compliance issues are displayed on the page in a list. The list has the following columns and options:

    • Type: Type of the compliance issue. The issues are displayed as either warning messages or error messages.

    • Description: Description of the issue.

    • Recommendation: Recommendation for resolving the issue.

    • Save as CSV file: Button control for saving the warning or error messages in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

    • Save as Excel file: Button control for saving the warning or error messages in a Microsoft Excel file.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • If the SQL statement of the view satisfies Noetix specifications, click Next to continue. The Add View » Finalize View Label page appears.

    • If the SQL statement of the view does not satisfy Noetix specifications, click Cancel to close the Add View wizard, fix the errors in the SQL code of the view, retest the view, and start the Add View wizard again.

  2. On the Add View » Finalize View Label page, do the following:

    1. Define the view type for the view to be added. The following options are available:

      • View: If selected, the view will be generated as a standard view.

      • Base view: If selected, the view will be generated as a base view. Define the new view as a base view if you want to summarize data that is coming from several queries.

      • LOV view: If selected, the view will be generated as a list of values (LOV) view. An LOV view contains columns that can be used for providing list of values for parameter columns in the business intelligence (BI) tools.

    2. Verify the view name displayed in the Name of the view you selected box. The view name cannot be modified as this information is read-only. The name displayed in the box is detected based on the view name available in the SQL statement.

    3. Verify the application label displayed in the Applicationlabel list for the Oracle E-Business Suite module corresponding to the view. Every Noetix view must be assigned an application label. By default, an appropriate application label is selected for the view. The application label is selected based on the Oracle E-Business Suite tables used in the SQL statement of the view. However, if the NoetixViews Workbench cannot determine the underlying Oracle E-Business Suite module for the view, or if the underlying module is not installed, you will have to select an appropriate application label for the view. Make sure that the application label is valid before you finalize the view label.

    4. If you want to modify the default view name, in the Proposed view label section, change the view name in the box in which the default view name is displayed. The view label is displayed with the application label as prefix and the view name, from the uploaded SQL statement, as suffix. In step a, if the Base view option was selected, the suffix " Base" is added to the view name, and if the LOV view option was selected, the "LOV string is added between the view name and application label.

Important: IMPORTANT: The view label must be unique within a selected environment and cannot exceed 30 characters. Also, the view label must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

  1. In the Selections pane, verify the properties defined for the view.

  2. Click Next. The Add View » View Description, Essay and Keywords page of the Add View wizard appears. For information, see Stage 2: Configure View Properties.

    IMPORTANT: If the view that is being added already exists in the selected environment, or if a view with the same name is already in the process of being added, you will receive a warning message.

  3. If you want to complete Stage 2 and the subsequent stages of the wizard later, click Cancel to close the Add View wizard. You can use the A view I was addingearlier option to complete the remaining stages of the wizard.

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