Add Descriptive Flexfield Columns
You can add a descriptive flexfield type column to a view from the tables available in the view. However, you cannot add descriptive flexfield columns to an LoV view.
To add a descriptive flexfield column
On the NoetixViews Workbench home page, clickModify a View. TheModify Viewpage appears.
Select a view, and then click Modify. For information, see Select a View. The Modify View » <view label> page appears.
Under Columns, click Add, modify & suppress columns, and then click Next. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress columns page appears showing the list of columns available in the view.
In the Add Column list, select the Descriptive flexfield column type, and click Add Column. The Add DFF Column page appears.
In the Column label box, type a label for the descriptive flexfield column that you want to add to the view.
In the Description box, provide a description, which can contain a maximum of 200 characters.
Under the All Queries tab, in the Tables with descriptive flexfields list, click a descriptive flexfield table. If descriptive flexfields are not configured in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance, the list will be empty.
NOTE: Regardless of the number of queries available for a view, the All Queries tab will be displayed, and the descriptive flexfield column will be added to all queries. If you select a table with a profile option, the subsequent generation of the view will fail if the profile condition is not met.
In the Titles list, click a descriptive flexfield title. You can choose a title associated with the required descriptive flexfield or choose "All Titles" to include all descriptive flexfields for the selected table in the view.
NOTE: If the descriptive flexfields associated with the selected table are not fully configured, the Titles list will be empty. If you want to include descriptive flexfields from the selected table, you need to make sure that they are fully configured in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.The length of the title must not exceed 40 characters. If the length exceeds 40 characters, Stage 4 may fail with an error.
In the Contexts list, click a descriptive flexfield context. You can choose a specific context or "All Contexts".
Click OK. The Modify View » <view label> » Add, modify & suppress columns page appears with the new descriptive flexfield column that is appended to the list of columns in the view with the state "ADDED".
Repeat steps 4 to 10 to add more descriptive flexfield columns. You can also perform other customizations on view columns, such as addition or modification of columns of any type. For information about these tasks, see the respective topics under Manage View Columns.
In the Customization comments box, provide a summary of the customizations that you have performed. The customization comments can contain a maximum of 200 characters.
Click Save. The customizations are saved, and the Modify View» <view label> page appears.
IMPORTANT: The column label can contain a maximum of eight characters, must begin with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. The label cannot be the same as that of an existing descriptive flexfield column. However, the label can match with that of an existing column of a non-descriptive flexfield type with different capitalization.
Now, you can choose to perform any other customizations on the same view or go to the home page.