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Merge View Revisions

In the NoetixViews Workbench, you can use the merge feature to combine two or more revisions of a managed view. To use the feature, you first need to select the range of view revisions that need to be merged. Revision zero of a managed view cannot be selected for the merging process. During the merging process, the selected view revisions will be merged, and the last revision of the selection will contain the resultant revision. All selected revisions, except for the last revision, will be removed from the NoetixViews Workbench repository. Then, the parent of the first revision of the selection will be made as the parent of the resultant revision.

You cannot merge the view revisions if one or more of the following conditions are true:

  • The revisions in the selection, except for the last revision, are part of a package.
  • The revisions in the selection, except for the last revision, are parents of any revisions outside the selection.
  • The revisions in the selection, except for the first revision, have parent revisions outside the selection.

To merge revisions of a view

  1. On the Modify View page, under Revision History, select the check boxes corresponding to the first and last revisions in the range of view revisions that you want to merge. After you select the range of view revisions, the intermediate revisions will be automatically selected.

  2. Click Merge. The Merge revisions dialog box appears with a message stating that the selected range of the view revisions will be merged into a single revision.

  3. In the box available on the dialog box, provide a comment. This comment will be included in the description of the resultant revision and can contain a maximum of 2,000 characters.

  4. Click OK. If the selected revision cannot be merged due to any of the listed conditions, messages will appear indicating that the selected revision <revision number> cannot be merged.

  5. Under Revision History, select the check box corresponding to the resultant revision. The description of each revision that you have merged and the list of merged revision numbers will be displayed under the Revision Description section.

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