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How to Upgrade NoetixViews Workbench Customizations

After customizations are imported from one environment into another with a later NoetixViews version or the NoetixViews version of the underlying NoetixViews schema is upgraded, some customizations may not be compatible with the underlying NoetixViews schema of the target environment. In such cases, you will not be able to work with NoetixViews Workbench until you have upgraded the customizations using the Upgrade My Customizations wizard. However, you will be able to export customizations from your environment.

After an upgrade of the underlying NoetixViews schema or importing customizations into an environment, you may face one of the following situations:

  • If the NoetixViews version of the customizations is less than the NoetixViews version of the environment, the functionality for both upgrade and export will be available.

  • If the NoetixViews version of the customizations is the same as the NoetixViews version of the environment, all of the functionality except for upgrading will be available.

  • If the NoetixViews version of the customizations is greater than the NoetixViews version of the environment, only the functionality for export will be available.

  • If the customizations pertain to more than one NoetixViews version, and they are earlier than the NoetixViews version of the environment, only the functionality for export will be available.

NOTE: If NoetixViews Workbench is unable to determine the NoetixViews version of the customizations that need to be upgraded, their version will be set to NoetixViews 6.1. This situation typically occurs when customizations that have been created with NoetixViews Workbench 1.1 are imported.

About the Wizard

The Upgrade My Customizations wizard performs an impact analysis and generates a report. During the impact analysis process, differences between your customizations and the upgraded NoetixViews version of the environment are identified in the report so that you can choose how the differences must be handled. The impact analysis report identifies the following types of differences:

  • Changes between the previous and current versions of NoetixViews, in the event that an upgrade has taken place.

  • Changes between the NoetixViews version of the environment and your customizations.

  • Customizations that will be directly applied to the upgraded environment.

  • Customizations that conflict with the current version of NoetixViews.

After analyzing the differences listed in the report, you can upgrade the customizations by applying your customizations to the NoetixViews schema or accept the Noetix updates available in the current NoetixViews version. After the customizations are upgraded, the changes cannot be reverted.

Upgrading Customizations

You can upgrade your NoetixViews Workbench customizations through the Upgrade My Customizations wizard. When you run the wizard, the NoetixViews changes and your customizations that are in conflict can be viewed in the impact analysis report before or after you upgrade the customizations. This report will be overwritten the next time the impact analysis is done. insigihtsoftwarerecommends that you export information about both NoetixViews changes and your customizations to files for your reference in the event that you need to troubleshoot your upgrade-related issues.

IMPORTANT: The NoetixViews Workbench customizations pertaining to rowid column-based joins cannot be upgraded from a version prior to NoetixViews 6.3 to version 6.3 or later. For such customizations, insightsoftware recommends that you run the impact analysis, generate the impact analysis report showing your changes, accept the Noetix updates, identify the affected joins, and recreate these joins. To identify the affected join customizations, you can look for entries pertaining to the keyViewLabel property in the impact analysis report. You can also find these entries in the wb view table templates table with the corresponding repository id.

To upgrade customizations

  1. After the underlying NoetixViews schema is upgraded or a package is imported, click Advanced. The NoetixViews Upgrade Detected dialog box appears.

    NOTE: This dialog box will also be displayed when you click Modify a View, Add a View, and Manage Packages options.

  2. Perform one of the following:

    • To upgrade your customizations, click Upgrade My Customizations. The Advanced » Analyze Impact page appears.

    • To back up your existing customizations, click Export. The Export-Import » Choose Options page appears. For information about exporting customizations, see Export Customizations for NCM in "Export/Import NoetixViews Workbench Customizations".

  3. IMPORTANT: insightsoftware recommends that you export the existing customizations so that you can revert the changes if you find any issues with the upgraded customizations.

  4. On the Advanced » Analyze Impact page, click Start. If you ran the wizard previously or there was some problem with the wizard or report, click Restart. If the impact analysis report is available and you do not want to regenerate it, go to the next step. You cannot proceed to the next step if the report has not been generated correctly or updated.

    NOTE: If the .nvwx files corresponding to the reference schemas for the required NoetixViews versions are not detected, the impact analysis process will stop and display an error message indicating that the NoetixViews Workbench Extended Setup needs to be run. To run the extended setup, run the NVWExtendedSetup-<version>.exe file in the setup folder on the computer on which you have installed the NoetixViews Workbench.

  5. Click Next. The Advanced » View Report page appears. Under ViewImpact Analysis Report, click one of the following options:

    • Show only conflicts: Displays the conflicts between the user changes and the changes in the underlying NoetixViews version of the environment.

    • Show only my changes: Displays all user changes including conflicts.

  6. Click Show report. The impact analysis report will be displaying the following details in a multi-column list:

    • View Label: Indicates the view label.

    • Rev: Indicates the view revision number.

    • Component: Indicates the view component.

    • Property: Indicates the property of the view component.

    • My Value: Indicates the value set by the user for the property.

    • Noetix <version> value: Indicates the value set for the property in the upgraded NoetixViews version.

  7. (Optional) Save the report to a file. The report may help you troubleshoot the issues you face while running Stage 4 after the upgrade. You can save the report as a .xls, .csv, or .xml file. To export the report, select a format, and click Export Report.

    NOTE: The option to save the report to a .xls file will be unavailable if the number of rows in the report exceeds 65536.

  8. Click Next. The Advanced » Perform Upgrade page appears.

  9. Under Perform Upgrade, select one of the following options:

    • Apply my changes: Applies only the user changes. Selecting this option may prevent important Noetix updates from being applied to managed views.

    • Accept Noetix updates: Applies only the changes available in the current NoetixViews version. By default, this option is selected.

    IMPORTANT: If you choose to proceed with the Accept Noetix updates option, your customizations will be overwritten by Noetix updates wherever the values conflict. All other customizations will be upgraded correctly. insightsoftware recommends that you save the impact analysis report, accept Noetix updates, and then recreate the user-specific customizations with the report as a reference. For further assistance, contact insightsoftwareSupport.

  10. Click Start. The changes will be applied to the environment. If you want to cancel the upgrade, click Cancel, and click Yes in the Cancel Merge dialog box.

  11. After the upgrade is complete, click Done. The NoetixViews Workbench home page appears.

Handling Legacy Scripts

The Upgrade My Customizations wizard does not analyze or upgrade your legacy customizations that you previously captured through the NoetixViews Workbench. For your convenience, if you want to manage such legacy customizations through the NoetixViews Workbench, insightsoftware recommends that you recreate them in NoetixViews Workbench, and retire them.

IMPORTANT: Before the upgrade of the NoetixViews schema, make sure that any references to the n view join rel templates table in your legacy customization scripts point to the n join key templates and n join key col templates tables. The upgrade of the NoetixViews schema will fail if the legacy scripts contain references to old tables. For rowid column-based joins, remove the updates to the key view label column in the n view column templates or n view table templates table in your legacy scripts. Then, you can recreate these joins after the NoetixViews Workbench customizations have been upgraded through the Upgrade My Customizations wizard. For information about adding joins, see Add Joins in "Manage Joins".

Then, you need to validate your remaining legacy customizations scripts for their compatibility with the new version of NoetixViews, and upgrade them if required. To validate the legacy customization scripts, you can either run Stage 4 to find and fix the issues, or contact insightsoftwareSupport.

 If you want to validate the compatibility of the legacy customization scripts by running Stage 4, follow these steps:

  1. Stage the legacy package to the NoetixViews schema installation folder of the environment.

  2. Regenerate the views by running Stage 4 for the NoetixViews schema.

  3. Check the errors if Stage 4 fails.

  4. Fix the issues in the legacy scripts using NoetixViews Workbench. Stage the legacy package again to the NoetixViews schema installation folder of the environment.

  5. Run Stage 4 again.

  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until all the legacy scripts are upgraded.

Validating the Compatibility of the Upgraded Customizations

After retiring or upgrading the legacy customization scripts, validate the compatibility of the managed view revisions with the new version of the NoetixViews, and upgrade them if required. You can use the Impact Analysis report generated by the Upgrade My Customizations wizard to compare the changes in the managed view revisions with the changes in NoetixViews. To validate the compatibility of the managed view revisions, you can either run Stage 4 to find and fix the issues or contact insightsoftwareSupport. If you want to validate the compatibility of the managed view revisions by running Stage 4, follow these steps:

  1. Add the revisions of the managed views to a package.

  2. Stage the package to the NoetixViews schema installation folder of the environment.

  3. Regenerate the views by running Stage 4 for the NoetixViews schema. Check the errors if Stage 4 fails.

  4. Fix the issues in the managed views using NoetixViews Workbench.

  5. Update the managed views in the package to the new revisions.

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until all the managed views are updated.

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